

What does a guinea egg look like?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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15y ago

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A bit smaller than a chicken egg and the top of the egg comes to a bit more of a point

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3d ago

A guinea egg is smaller than a chicken egg and typically has a darker, speckled shell. The egg is more rounded in shape compared to a chicken egg. Additionally, the yolk of a guinea egg tends to be richer and creamier in flavor.

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What do dragonflies eggs look like?

It feels like any other freakin egg stupid REPLY: UMMM NO. It doesn't STUPID. It feels like leather and its not hard its soft and squishy until the babies are out and it dries up. Grow a brain before posting answers on what is SUPPOSED to be a reliable source.

Two brown guinea pigs are crossed All but one of the offspring is brown The one is white Why?

The Allele that causes guinea pigs to be brown in color is a dominant one and the white guinea pig's alleles are recessive. The brown guinea pig had two dominant alleles for brown color and the white guinea pig had two for white. Since offspring get one allele from each parent they have one dominant brown allele and one recessive white allele. Since the dominant trait is the one that is going to be apparent, it would only make sense for all the offspring to be brown in color.

How does a sperm really look in real life?

Sperm look like tiny torpedoes with a long tail that moves like a wagging tail. It also has a ring of organelles near the head which are mitochondria. These are the drivers that make the tail move.They are much smaller than the egg and contain mostly the DNA that the father gives to make a zygote. If an egg were 8.16 ft in diameter, then the sperm would be three feet.

What do the offspring of asexual reproduction look like?

The offspring of something that went through asexual reproduction should look exactly like the parent.

Can more than one sperm reach an egg?

No, generally only one sperm is able to fertilize an egg. Once a sperm penetrates the egg, the egg's protective layer prevents other sperm from entering. This ensures that only one set of genetic material combines with the egg to form a new individual.

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much like your standard hens' egg. If you find egg shaped objects in your guinea pig's fur, crack them, if they have a white and a yolk as per standard eggs, they're probably guinea pig lice eggs. (may i also recommend soft boiling them, with tiny toast soldiers)

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teddy guinea pigs have really long hair and they are very fluffy and so cuteThey look like this picture.

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Well it a white egg that is really small.They can look like fertilizers.

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they are a gabbit and have very long ears no tail and have a shape like a guinea pig

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Here is a webpage with a lot of nice guinea hen pictures

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Lemmings. They actually look like guinea pigs though...........................

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An abyssinian guinea pig has Rossets in its fur such as the images below:

What does a Guinea pig look like at birth?

Guinea pigs are born with fur, eyes open and teeth.

How does a penguin look like after it hatched from its egg?

it Will look like a small penguin

What does a guinea look like?

See the related links for a picture

What Does an unfertlized chicken egg look like?

On the outside - just like any other egg.