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Q: What does a horse look like when it has pneumonia?
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Related questions

What do lungs look like with pneumonia?

pneumonia is not made up of cells. pneumonia is fluid buildup in the lungs.

Why do horse snakes look like that?

Horse Snakes look like that because there head is theshape of the horse

How do you know your horse has pneumonia?

You can see if your horse is coughing like it has a cold. It may look like a cold at first but soon as it progresses it will show a heave line near it's belly where the girth goes. Call a vet as soon as possible. These signs are like a cold signs like a runny nose

What does a horse butt look like?

it looks like a horse but

How can you get a Horse?

you can have a look on adds, like horsedeals and get in contact with a person with a horse you are intereste in! you can have a look on adds, like horsedeals and get in contact with a person with a horse you are intereste in!

What illnesses look like pneumonia without fever and phlegm?

Pulmonary embolisms.

What animal does the sea horse mostly look like?

A horse

What does the smallest horse look like?

Mini's are the smallest breed of horse and they are very cute. They almost look like a toy.

Does the sphinx look like the horse?

no a sphinx does not look like a horse it has a head of a man and a lions body!!! its present in Egypt

What will my horse look like with medusa's blood on howrse?

It will have wings. To find out exactly what it would look like, look for a horse in the auctions or private sales of the same breed and color as your horse with medusa's blood.

What do the feet of a warthog look like?

they look like small horse hooves.

How do zebras look like?

They look like a large pony or a horse with stripes