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Q: What does a horse that orders commands mean?
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it means to have a horse that orders commands

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it means to have a horse that orders commands


give orders or commands

How do you know you got the horse you wanted in horse?

You'll know that when the horse is very obedient to you by simply obeying your commands.

What is a operations orders?

Operation orders are the official commands given to the troops for their mission. They dictate how things will be carried out and the ultimate goal which must be achieved.

Should tetracycline be used on a horse?

Only under a vets orders

What does gee and haw mean to a horse?

Gee and haw are commands used to make the animal turn left or right. Gee is the command for right, and haw is the command for left. Hope I helped

What did 'orders to advance' mean in world war 1?

"Orders to advance" means "orders to move forward".

What does ammara mean?

Ammara means she who commands.

What do horse tokens do on HorseIsle 2?

Horse Tokens are HI2's version of pawneer orders. You can order custom horses with them from your inventory page.

What are the orders of the states?

there are 50 states..... what do mean by orders ,please be more specific

What are aids when you ride a horse?

Aids are methods of commanding your horse. There are natural aids and artificial aids. Examples of artificial aids are: crops, whips, spurs and harsh bits. Examples of natural ones are: leg pressure, voice commands, seat and posture. Aids, hence their name, aid in getting the horse to perform certain maneuvers. Crops aid in making the horse go faster and voice commands aid in getting the horse to understand what the rider is asking.