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Q: What does a man always have two reasons for doing anything A good reason and the real reason mean?
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you cant not do anything you always have to do something. if you sit in a chair and do nothing your still doing something (sitting).

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i think that it means that you should always be ashamed if you are not doing anything.

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Cold practicality, almost every action he does can be related to multiple reasons and view points.

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We are not doing anything wrong we just like to suck ****

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To know if you are doing anything. Why do we have goals in sports? To know when a point is scored. Same for business.

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I'll bet he means "are you busy? if not, we should do something."

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You could always think of staying up later, and playing with him more often... Or waking up earlier and doing things with him then.

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the mother always has to start the ceromony because the women of the house have to light candels, before doing anything

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no one ever has to ever have a good reason for doing anything ever.