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Well... a lot of guys have peer pressure from their other guy freinds but if you know he likes you or your almost positive he feels something towards you then be yourself because he probably started liking you in the first place because you were yourself.

Guys like a girl who is funny and can make him laugh. Make-up is questionable, depending on his personality. The one thing NEVER

plus some guys just may have feelings for you so see by going up to him and start a conversaton if not you really wont know if he REALLY likes you

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10y ago

They say every guy is different in taste but I haven't really seen it aside from what couple got along better than another, mainly guys complain girls wear too much make-up... aside from a little make up to more than a little, almost universally, most guys hate a lot of make up...we'd rather see the face of the girl we like than a caked on mask that usually isn't the right tone anyway, looks funny, always too much of it, and usually aside from some flavored lip gloss and well, a few other cosmetics that might compliment you, guys would rather see you, instead of a lot of layers of paint enough for Thompson's water seal. To dress: just wear what you would normally wear and the more you go out to impress a guy the more it's awkward because he liked you when you weren't trying, and when a girl tries she acts different from the one the guy originally wanted to be with; so just be yourself, trite as that sounds. Because, if the guy is looking for you, then he wants the real you.

The best thing is to say what you think (but without being mean) and be vulnerable to him and kind.

Do that, and unless the guy's an idiot, he'll say what is always said: "My girl is so cool, she don't front, put on airs, she tells me stuff nobody else knows so we trust each other and I do the same. She's the best chick in the world!!!"

Sound's strange, but it's true. The guy always feels special, cared for, happy, and if it doesn't work out, if he's good enough to be a boyfriend, then he's good enough to be your friend (lower down in your life, but still there, unless something bad happened while dating). That's how I've always dated women and I wouldn't want to hold anything back, that's why they're my GF. Always honest but nice and compassionate. If a GF told me something, it's because I'm the only one she wants to know those things, and I'm lucky enough to be the one she wants to tell it to, not because I want something, just because I care about her, and want nothing in return--the same for her. So I'm friends with most of my ex-GFs, never been cheated on, and even when I left, they cry and stuff like that but we are always still cool as friends and hang out later on or the next day but as friends, but it's not like we were married or something messed up happened. It just ended and it turns out ok. She might even hook me up with one or two of her friends and I'd do the same.

All because a guy looks for the same thing in a girl no matter what age and I've been with these great girls more time than not being with a girl. That they care about you and you can trust them and you'd protect them and always make them feel great or help them any time you can, from GFs that lived with me or went together in University or High School...etc to my very first dates where we were chaperoned (and driven, I was 7yrs old, she was 12yrs old, going to the movies/mall/park and her Dad was somewhere behind though we couldn't see him. I tell you this, so you know that I know what I'm talking about in giving my advice.

You're in Middle School (though, like I said, it doesn't change. After girls stop having coodies, umm, it's the same stuff guys look for from then on, the only differences are the discussions you have and the vocabulary you use in them, that you two have together getting to know the other), so the guys that like you and you that like them--aside from being attractive, of course--must share the same interests and usually the same views on stuff. If you can't keep up in a conversation, guy or girl, after a week somebody is going to lose interest and go. If the guy is cool--a good guy, then just a hoodie with a nice pair of jeans and tennis shoes or a hipster vintage tee is cool...that stuff doesn't matter. A guy doesn't look at your clothing or your make-up or your house, get the idea...and loves a girl because of that or if her cats or dogs are cute.

The guy likes you because he enjoys your company, he digs hanging out with you and that's all he looks for. A smart, funny, cute girl that he likes being around; that he enjoys the company of her to hear what she says or just sitting next to her quietly. I assure you, it's really uncomplicated, anybody else that want's something else...they aren't worth your time.

Also, don't be afraid to ask the guy straight out, it takes all the pressure off him, even if the dude has liked you since Elementary School, it is the greatest thing when a girl asks a guy out. It get's all that "does she like me stuff and if so, how much out of the way?! And early. It gets that "I don't want to look stupid in front of my school and all my friends" all out of the way. So it's just you and him. Now he's not terrified that you might turn him down, therefore, all that stuff just got skipped even with the most open hints, generally guys miss them. I do. Only until after I'm with a girl does she ask me why it took so long and tells me of a huge list of stuff she did to let me know that she liked me from way back...and I always just chalk it up to them being really, really nice but only with me. It sounds non-logical, but that's what happened since the first girl I dated and I'm not in the minority in this. I can tell if a guy likes a girl or vice versa but I can't do it for myself easily regarding the girls that don't ask me out. Small price to pay for a great relationship.

You don't need anything but yourself for the guy to like you--the guy is looking for a sweet girl, also, even if it's not admitted, every guy likes getting notes to read after break or's like touching proof that the girl thinks about us, always puts a smile on a guy/girl's face whenever I've seen it happen, I smile still even when it happens to me. Along with all that other kinda girly stuff, not TOO much of that though, but it's always a classy thing to do for them, because it says you the took time out of your day to write something or bought a pack of gummy bears/worms because you were thinking of us...only five minutes for a letter or fifty cents for gummy worms now and then and we feel on top of the world, loved and cared from even the smallest tender kindnesses rendered.

And that is what a guy, Middle School, High School, College, etc, looks for in a girl.

So be fearless, trade and listen to music you never heard before from the guy and ask the one you like out, you've got nothing to lose and everything you'd want to gain. It works. (and if the guy does say didn't waste any more of your time on this Shelprock, and you can go on to ask a better guy out, instead of waiting and wondering about the one who might say 'no' you are happy with the cooler guy that said 'yes'. Though don't worry, when a girl asks a guy, it just about always works out). I wish you good luck and a fun time enjoying your life.

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Q: What does a middle school guy look for in a girl?
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