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A long speech. It might be an idea to write where you want to pause because otherwise it can be muddling while speaking it. The 'professional' way of writing pauses is using (.) when you want to pause, and not using capital letters or fullstops at all.

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1mo ago

A monologue draft typically includes the following elements: the character's name, the setting, the monologue itself written in paragraph form, and any stage directions or emotional cues. It should be formatted for easy reading and understanding by the actor who will be performing the monologue.

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a monologue

What part of speech is the word monologue?

Monologue is a noun.

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Examples (a monologue is a spoken presentation by one individual) The President's monologue was very informative. A feature of the Tonight Show is a comedy monologue by the host.

Can you help me find a monologue on respect or compassion?

I know how to find a monologue or make a monologue. You just have to copy down at least 2 paragraphs. Make sure ALL of it is dialogue, and just make it sound like you are having a conversation with somebody. This MUST have helped.

Where can you find a 60 second humorous monologue?

Look for a CD featuring Andy Griffith doing monologues.