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Q: What does a mucus plug feel like when you check your cervix?
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When is it THE MOST EASIEST to get pregnant?

During ovulation. U can tell this by checking your cervical mucus and cervix position. Ur mucus will go from tacky and pasty to clear and slippery like egg white. You will be able to stretch it between about an inch before it breaks. You have to get this sample from your cervix. While you are there, check ur cervix. Before ovulation it is firm (like ur nose) and hard to reach. The closer to ovulation it will become soft (like your lips) and low.

Do pregnant dogs have a mucus plugs?

Yes. Just like humans, this is what seals the cervix until time for labor.

How is your cervix supposed to look like and feel during a period?

Your cervix during menstruation will be lower in your vagina, also firm and closed. If you were to feel your cervix or bump it the cervix may be more sensitive during menstruation so you may feel a menstrual cramp type sensation. If you search for Beautiful Cervix Project you'll find a great web site with photos of the cervix throughout the menstrual cycle which can help you figure out how your cervix looks and what it might feel like during menstruation.

Do pregnant women vaginal open?

The vagina is like before pregnancy but the cervix, the opening to the uterus, is closed by a mucus plug.

Is your cervix open or closed if pregnant?

Closed. It is one of the ways your body helps to protect your baby. The cervix only opens slightly to allow the sperm in during ovulation, then if pregnancy occurs it closes and what is known as a "Mucus Plug" fills in the rest of the gap. As the woman gets closer to delivery, one of the signs of early labor is when she loses her mucus plug.. that occurs when the cervix is begining to dilate. At full dilation the cervix is open only 10 cm. There is one caveat to this, sometimes the cervix is "weak" or "incompetent" when it begins to dialate BEFORE approx 36 weeks. In this instance there is a procedure available called Cervical Cerclage. It is when the cervix is stitched shut to prevent miscarriage or early delivery of the baby. for more info on this procedure please cut and paste this link.

What is a show in pregnancy?

A 'show' refers to the plug of mucus from the opening of the cervix coming away as the cervix starts to prepare for the birth. It can come away gradually or all at once, and may not come away until right before the baby emerges or days before labour starts. It looks like thick mucus and may be tinged with blood.

What does the cervix of a pregnant woman look and feel like?

The cervix of a pregnant woman looks bluish or purple depending on how far along they are. it feels like a very ripe fruit. when you stick your hand in to feel it should come back down quickly or fall down with your hand.

What does it mean to pass a booger like thing from your vagina but im not preganat?

What you're describing is likely fertile quality cervical mucus. The opening to your cervix is normally blocked by this mucus to prevent anything harmful travelling up through the cervix into the uterus. Around a week before ovulation this mucus changes to leak down into the vaginal canal, it acts to protect sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina and gives it a medium through which to be able to swim up through the cervical opening.

Where should the cervix be in early?

During ovulation the cervix is soft, high,open and wet. Around the time of menstruation the cervix is low and hard. I've heard OB/GYNs making this analogy when referring to a pregnant vs. non-pregnant cervix: A non-pregnant cervix feels like a hard, unripe piece of fruit, while a pregnant cervix is more like an almost over-ripe plum. It becomes very tender and engorged with blood, especially early on in pregnancy.In the early stages of pregnancy you may notice that your cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman. You may see the change in your cervix shortly before your period is due or you may not feel this for several weeks.As the pregnancy progresses you will probably have an increase in vaginal discharge, but the cervical mucous is fairly minimal during pregnancy. Some women may notice a change in their cervix in very early pregnancy but cervical position is not a good sign of pregnancy. That is because the cervix changes not only from woman to woman but from day to day and could even be different in the same woman at different times of the day. I would recommend to check your cervix right after your period ends and check it every day, at the same time, in the same position. That way you know how your cervix is suppose to feel at what point during your cycle and if it doesn't feel that it's suppose to you could use that to help you determine pregnancy. For a woman that doesn't check her cervix regularly I would say it's next to impossible to determine if she's pregnant or not by checking it. Your cervix should be high just like during ovulation, except closed. It will also still feel soft, more like lips. Unless you've been checking your cervix consistently there is almost no way to tell where you are in your cycle through this method. Remember to wash your hands before you check, but other than that, you should have no problems with infection. Just don't get your hopes up that you'll be able to detect pregnancy through your cervical position, especially if you haven't been monitoring it's position already.

What does a non pregnant cervix feel like?

A cervix does not necessarily feel different during early pregnancy. A firm feeling cervix that has drop lower to the usual position may be an indicator for a pregnancy, but this may also be the case during common menstrual cycles and might not be related to a pregnancy at all.

What should your cervix feel like at 5 weeks pregnant?

Well I'm 5 weeks pregnant and my cervix is extremely high, medium hard, and closed completely. I hope this helped you a little!

What's the feel of mucus when most fertile?

It looks like and feels like clear stretchy albumin that is found in a chickens egg.