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There is no "normal" weight for a 10-year-old. Weight is related to body composition and height rather than age. For more information about weight in relation to height, please see the page, further gown this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

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Q: What does a normal healthy 10-year-old weigh?
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Yes, it is normal.

Is it normal to weigh 140 lbs and be 5'6 if you are a 14 year old girl?

Yea it is prefectlt healthy.

I am 5'7 and weigh 109 is this a healthy weight?

No. To be a normal size and have a BMI of 22 you should weight at least 140 lbs.

Is it normal for a 54 11 year old to weigh 120?

Yes your height age and weight is at a healthy state. Your bmi is 21.2 Which is in between 18 and 25 which are the healthy states.

How much should a 5'5 adult female weigh?

Anywhere from 120 pounds to 160 pounds would be considered healthy or normal.

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anywhere from 160 to 190 lbs normal healthy weight

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You are 5 ft 6 and 133 lbs you are 13 Do you weigh to much?

No, you are right on track and at a healthy weight for this height. The normal, healthy weight for this height is between 118 pounds and 148 pounds.

Is it healthy for a girl who's 5'1 and a teenager to weigh 150lb?

It is normal. Eat right, run about and cut down on the fatty foods (if you are worried about your weight).

Is it normal for a 13 year old girl to be 93 pounds?

yup its fine that's how much i weigh too me too no its not about 100 to 125 is a healthy weight

Is it bad for a ten year old girl to weigh 138 lbs?

Probably depends on height, like puberty and such. If the girl is healthy, maybe it's normal.