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"Vegetarian" in popular culture is a very flexible term ranging from strict vegans who eat no animal derived foods and use no animal products such as leather. The other end of the scale is composed of people who enhance the vegetable and fruit part of their diets while adding some animal products such as milk, eggs, chicken, fish and similar non-red meat dishes. The case for "doesn't look like" animal foods such as jello worries those closer to the vegan end of the spectrum than the liberal types.Many inexperienced vegetarians think they just have to eat tasty fruits and veggies without understanding that essential oils, vitamins and proteins require a more complex diet with supplements.

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Everything except for meat or slaughterhouse products.

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Q: What does a normal vegetarian eat?
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What is a semi-vegetarian?

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No, but there are vegetarian alternatives.

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In addition to a normal vegetarian diet, that is never eating anything that has ever lived, lacto-vegetarians will eat milk products such as cheese, butter, yoghurt etc.

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A pesco-vegetarian, also called pescetarian, eats very much the same way as a normal vegetarian. They follow the no-meat diet, excluding beef, chicken, poultry, etc., but DO eat fish. So just to recap, fish is the only meat they actually eat, and that inclusion of fish is what makes them pescetarians and not normal vegetarians.

If you are a vegetarian do you want to eat chicken?

You might crave chicken but if you eat it you are not a vegetarian anymore. Try vegetarian "fake chicken".

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Non Vegetarian food such as meat, fish, etc. A pure vegetarian does not even eat egg.

How do vegetarian's eat protein?

I'm a vegetarian and I get my protein from Quorn and cheese and occasionally eggs when I eat them

What are the problems surrounding being a vegetarian?

Social acceptance; the challenges of rejecting a lot of foods that "normal" people eat every day.

what are some vegetarian diets i can go on?

You can either go completely vegan, which means you will not eat any products that come from animals, like eggs and milk, or you can go on a normal vegetarian diet, which means you can eat salads with hard boiled eggs and drink milk.

How do you know if your lizard is a vegetarian?

If your lizard does not eat meat, then it is a vegetarian.

How do you use the word vegetarian in a sentence?

The vegetarian does not eat meat.