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Q: What does a panda bear's fur look like?
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How does a panda's fur look like?

the red pandas fur looks reddish - brownish

What does a pandas fur feel like?

A panda bears fur feels like a soft cuddly blanket. It also is as soft as sheep wool. -me love purple panda bears:)

What are the panda bear's special qualities or markings?

They have white fur with black around the eyes, legs,shoulders, and ears. The white fur protects them from predators and it works better in the winter. The white is camouflage in the snow and it is highly effective. The pandas also look like bears in shape! (I am such a panda freak!)

Why do bears have white fur?

Most bears are not white. However, polar bears have white fur to camouflage with snow. The reason for the black and white coloration of the panda bear is unknown.

Red panda and giant panda's fur color?

A red panda's fur is like a reddish-brown.=A giant panda's fur color is black and white.=

How can panda bears be useful to people?

maet maet maet they using fur maet.

What do newborn bears look like?

They look like rats that don't have fur! like this!

What do pandas and humans have in common?

Pandas, though they don't share the same genus name as other bears, are still considered bears even though they are mainly herbivorous, not carnivorous/omnivorous like polar bears, grizzly bears and black bears.

Does the panda live in the rainforest?

No, they don't. Apparently, panda bears live in the mountainous regions of China. That is where they live and feed on bamboo. Panda bears are endangered so please do not buy any panda fur coats. Help save endangered animals!!

What do a panda look like?

at birth, a giant panda could fit in your hand, is pink, hairless, and blind. as it gets older, it grows black and white fur. submitted by: panda lover

Do p0anda bears like hot or cold weather?

Im guessing that you mean the great panda, they can be found in different climats, like many other bears they have a thick fur so they can even live in snowy places like korea.

What does a panda bear with a green grill tattoo mean?

Panda Bears are not normally tattooed and even if they were you would not be able to see the tattoo under all the Panda's black and white fur.