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the plant and animal both have a nucleus, that is what they have in common

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Romaine Aufderhar

Lvl 10
2y ago
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13y ago

They both have lipid bilayer membrane, nucleus, Golgi-apparat and mitochondria.

In plant cells you can find some more organelles like the vacuole, chloroplasts and cellulose cell wall, as well.

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15y ago

They all multiply they all transfer nutrients and they all make the hosts grow in size they have many similarities.Incase the question is if what they have well they all got a nuclease and a membrane.

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14y ago

there are a bunch of similarities, they both have:

a nucleus

a cell membrane,

a smooth and rough E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum)

a nucleus



and many others

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Q: What does a plant cell and a animals cell have in common?
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The plant cells and animals cells have: cytoplasm a nucleus a cell membrane

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The distinct feature in the center of the cell that makes a eukaryote cell common to plant and animals is the nucleus. Prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus.

What do plant and animals cell have in common?

They both have DNA, a nucleus, cell membranes, mitochondria, and many other cellular structures. Plant cells are the only ones with chloroplasts and cell walls though.

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Both plants and animals have cell membranes. Only plant cells have cell walls.

What does a plant cell and animal cell have in common?

the plant and animal both have a nucleus, that is what they have in common

Do plant cells have a cell wall?

Cell walls are very common in lots of organisms, not only plants.

Do plants consists of cells?

All animals and plants are made of cells. Animal cells and plant cells have features in common, such as nucleus, cytoplasm,cell membrane ,mitochondria, and ribosomes. Plant cells also have a cell wall. Function of cells which animal and plant cells have in common.

What is plant and animals cell in?

A Cytoplasm

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cell wall