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It is a skinny long bug. It has about 4 legs on each side that are bent in about a ninty degree angle. They are NAST!

Three legs each side - they are wingless insects with elongated, silvery-grey bodies.

Whether they are pests or not I would not like to say. As for "NAST[Y]" - probably not. They might eat certain garden plants, perhaps.

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9y ago

There is no information for a bug with a skull pattern on its back. Try finding a book on insects with a picture of your bug.

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a fly

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Q: What does a silverfish bug look like?
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Roach like skinny long bugs with no wings?

The roach like bug that you are talking about may be a silverfish. The diet of a silverfish is mainly sugars and starches.

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The most commmon bug in Texas is the Silverfish insect

Bug with thousand legswinglessit could crawl fastinch long and half inch wide body dark gray color?

sounds like a silverfish

Could u help me find the name of this bug its tiny brown oval shaped fast moving almost slug like i found in my kitchen sink this morning please?

I think it could be a silverfish. funny name i know. These creature are nocturnal and like dark damp places. i know cos i found some silverfish under my bed. but it might not be silverfish.

What does a silver fish bite mark look like?

Silverfish don't, to the best of my knowledge, bite.

What is name of silverfish?

Lepisma Saccharina, a wingless insect of the order Thysanura