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Q: What does a sponge use to capture food?
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What is the difference between a hard prickly sponge and a soft sponge?

a sponge is an invertabrate it has no back bone some sponges have holes in the body so they can breath and capture food. sponges skin is made out of soft spongey tissue.

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They use them to capture food.

How does a sponge gathers its food?

The sponge gathered food by filting the food.

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they use their teeth and their claws

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it uses its teeth and or horns to catch its food

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Do spiders use spider web as a food source?

In a way yes. But also no. They use their webs to capture insects. These insects are their food source.

What cleans food from sides of bowls?

You can use a dish sponge or a kitchen dish brush.