

What does a stinkbug smell like?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What does a stinkbug smell like?
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If you crush a stinkbug will the smell attracted other stinkbugs?

no crushing a stink bug will not atract other stink bugs but the smell is hard to get rid of

Is a stinkbug a herbivore?

No omnivore....they also eat bugs like caterpillars

What is a stinkbug before it turns into a stinkbug?

they will eat something and then they will turn to a stinkbug over night (not sure but thats what my studies say on stink bugs).

Can animals die from eating a stinkbug?

no. a stinkbug is like any other bug. animals usually dont want to eat them because of their stench. the stink they produce is a defense mechanism.

Is a stinkbug a invertebrat or a vertebrat?

As a stinkbug is an insect, it is an invertebrate. All insects are invertebrates.

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a cross between a stinkbug and a spider.

What is the scientific name of a stinkbug?


How do you get stain from stinkbug off of skin?

You can use hot and soapy water to get a stain from a stinkbug off your skin. You can also try and use vinegar.

Is a stinkbug a beetle?

yes a stink bug is a beetle

What is the scientific name for a black stinkbug?

Proxys punctulatus

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Smell like eggs

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They smell like a starfish