

What does a striped tomato taste like?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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it taste like a peach but a tamotoe.

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Q: What does a striped tomato taste like?
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Tomato like... sort of watery... depends where they have been grown and how theyve been grown... if they were grown by some bannanas, yes, they might taste like a banana, sorta like osmosis?

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Taste is very hard to describe. I find Asiago quite tangy, great in a sandwich with tomato or in a salad.

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Yes. What is sometimes called a "Spanish tomato" or "Mexican tomato" is actually a tomatillo (toe-mah-TEE-yo). Tomatillos are a small green fruit that looks like a miniature tomato covered in a thin husk. Tomatillos are not related to tomatoes, although they have a similar taste; tomatillos taste like a rather tart tomato.

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they wont taste like sun dried tomatos for 3 reasons: reason 1: i dont want them to reason 2: you dont want to because they taste like poop reason 3: your momma wont let you because you have to be over 330 years old to make them taste like sun dried tomatos.

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Sort of mixed between a tomato, melon (honey melon) and lemon.

What is this tomato doing in your tomato soup?

Yummy. It is waiting patiently for an introduction to my taste buds.

What do bush tomatos taste like?

They taste just like any other tomato. They've been selectively bred to form a bush instead of a vine so it's easier to grow and harvest them, but the tomatoes taste the same.