

Best Answer

It's quite simple and easily answered actully: Small mice and insect and the mice don't always have to be small.

Forgive all spelling errors please.

-Me <3 :)

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Q: What does a white throated savanna monitor eat?
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How are white-throated savanna monitor mouths adapted to what they eat?

They only eat once in their life.

How are White Throated Savanna Monitor mouths adapted to eating?

They only eat once in their life.

What do white throated savanna montior eat?

Unicorns and butterflys , and elephant ears from the zoo

How are white throated monitor mouthes adapted to what they eat?

They only eat once in their life.

What do white throated savanna monitor eat?

Full grown monitors will eat full grown mice, small rats

How are white throated savanna monitors mouths adapted to what they eat?

They only eat once in their life.

What do white throat savanna Monitor adapted to what they eat?

dislocate its jaw

How are the white throated savanna monitors adapted to what they eat?

there mothers had fed it to them as little beings, so they have known that is wha to eat when they are hungry, and that is said to be how they have adapted to what they eat.

How are white throated savanna monitors adapted to what they eat?

there mothers had fed it to them as little beings, so they have known that is wha to eat when they are hungry, and that is said to be how they have adapted to what they eat.

How are white throated savanna lizards mouths adapted to what they eat?

their claws rip their prey open into medium sized pieces so they can put it in the mouth

What does a white throated woodrat eat?

it eats ants, birds , bettles and grasshoppers

How are white throated Savannah monitors mouths adapted to what they eat?

their mouths grip and stretch when their prey is too big.