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Q: What does a yellow spotted triff eater eat?
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The Yellow Spotted Stingray eats plant's,other fish.

What do yellow-spotted lizard eat?

They eat right toe.

What does the yellow spotted lizards eat?

They are fictional lizards.

Which animals do yellow spotted lizards eat?

insects like butterflies

How often do yellow spotted turtles eat?

Every day most of the time 2 times aday

What eats Yellow-spotted river turtles?

they eat weeds small fish invertebrates and plant materials

Can black-spotted yellow ladybugs eat grass?

Yes, black-spotted, yellow-bodied ladybugs can eat grass. The herbivorous insects in question carry the names 26-spotted (Henosepilachna vigintisexpunctata) and 28-spotted (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata) ladybugs. The two ladybugs favor potato foliage even though crops as beans, pumpkins, radishes, spinach and turnips will be considered as food sources.

What is the yellow spotted lizards weight?

the yellow spotted lizards diet is anything that stands in its way of it and its food. its main eating habits are birds,other lizards,snakes,scorpions and very rarely humans. luckily they don't eat us humans unless we block them from their food.

What do yellow spotted lizards eat anything other than sun flower seeds and plants?

yes, they tend to forage for small fried mars bars. Ultimately, the fried mars bar is the yellow spotted lizard's most sought for food.

Why aren't Stanley and zero attacked by the yellow-spotted lizards?

Because they have eat onions, and the lizzards dosen't like onion

In holes why do the yellow spotted lizards eat sunflower shells?

Who knows but probably, if they were herbavores, that would be the only thing that they could find to eat and so ate what they found

What is the verb of eater?

The verb from which the noun eater is derived is eat.