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It means that there is enough fluid so that the baby can continue to grow and live inside of you. Drink lots of water to help improve your amniotic fluid level.

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Q: What does adequate amniotic fluid mean in pregnancy?
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What does it mean if amniotic fluid is red?

As long as the amniotic fluid leak is occurring at term (37-42 weeks), pink amniotic fluid is quite normal. Amniotic fluid is usually 'straw coloured, however it is completely normal for it to mix with a bit of blood and appear pink.

What does it mean if amniotic fluid is yellow?

Then it is meconium stained.

What fluid surrounds the developing foetus?

Do you mean fetus? If you do, the bag-like structure is called the uterus. It is located in the woman's body. The uterus is a pear-shaped structure that contains the fetus when pregnancy takes place.

If you are leaking amniotic fluid does that mean you will have the baby soon?

But leaking amniotic fluid can happen before the pregnancy is in its last day, and, if it happens 38 weeks before the term, it is called premature rupture of membrane. Usually, premature leaking can be considered the sign of a condition occurring in the mother's body. A bacterial infection or a defect of the amniotic sac, the uterus or the cervix may be the cause. During these episodes, the woman must not douche or have intercourse. So not it is not normal to be leaking amniotic fluid, except when your are close to your due date.

What is a amnion sac mean?

In the first developmental stage of the embryo, you have the ball of cells. In this ball of cells you have cavity filled with fluid called amniotic fluid. This fluid sac separates the embryo, from the outer non-embryo cells. Later on it encloses the fetus in amniotic fluid to give amniotic sac. This sac is attached to uterus from inside.

How many sets of amniotic fluid do you have?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'sets' of amniotic fluid. However the baby is in one sac, which is filled with the fluid. What made you ask this question? Often when a womens waters break, the fluid behind or above the baby my be stopped from flowing out due to the babys position, or if the waters break above the baby, then the amniotic sac may still be intact around its head.

What does fluid in the uterus mean?

In premenopausal women, fluid accumulation in the uterus is often associated with pregnancy. As a woman enters menopause, the cervix is more prone to stenosis. If a woman is not entering menopause and is still of reproductive age, this could signify infection.

What does fluid leaking from the vagina mean you are seven months pregnant?

It could be your amniotic fluid. You should go see your doctor immediately. Your doctor can perform a test to see if it is amniotic fluid and both of you can come up with a plan that will probably include bedrest if it is a slow leak and drinking lots of fluids.

What does the phrase my water broke mean?

The phrase "my water broke" refers to the rupture of the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus in the womb. This typically happens as a sign that labor is starting, as the amniotic fluid begins to leak out. It is a signal that the baby is on the way.

What the medical term meaning urine in the lung?

Urine in the lung of an adult would be very rare, so assuming you mean urine in the lung of an infant or newborn, the term you are looking for would probably be AFA or Amniotic Fluid Aspiration. After the 36th week of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid filling the sac around the fetus is made up mostly of the urine of the fetus. During labor and delivery infants can aspirate or breathe and pull the amniotic fluid into their lungs. This aspiration can lead to respiratory distress or respiratory distress syndrome and lung infections in the newborns. Sometimes the amniotic fluid around the time of delivery also contains meconium which is the digestive excrement of the fetus. Meconium aspiration is also a term used for this, and since the amniotic fluid is mostly urine, there will also be urine that gets into the lungs at the same time. Meconium aspiration can also lead to serious respiratory problems in the newborn.

What does it mean if there is fluid found outside the pregnancy sac?

It could mean the fluid sac protecting the child has a tear in it or is leaking or that you have fluid in your uterus. You'll have to speak to your MD to find out for certain.

What does it mean if I have too much amniotic fluid?

Congenital defects - The higher the fluid level, the increased chance of a congenital defect. These birth defects hinder swallowing, which can prohibit ingestion of the amniotic fluid, resulting in build up of fluid. Other birth defects could also include intestinal tract blockage or neurological abnormalities. Rh Factor - As screening for the Rh factor has increased, this is no longer a common cause of elevated fluid levels. Maternal Diabetes - Experts have found some correlation between diabetes and too much amniotic fluid. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome - This is a complication that can affect identical twin pregnancies. This syndrome is when one baby gets too much blood flow and the other too little due to connections between blood vessels in their shared placenta. Unknown Reasons - According to the Center for Maternal Fetal Medicine, about 65% of cases of polyhydramnios are due to unknown causes. Most cases of polyhydramnios are mild and result in few, if any, complications. Those with higher levels of fluid could experience one or more of the following risks: * Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) * Placental abruption * Preterm labor and delivery (approximately 26%) * Growth restriction (IUGR) resulting in skeletal malformations * Stillbirth occurs in about 4 in 1000 pregnancies that suffer from polyhydramnios vs. about 2 in1000 pregnancies with normal fluid levels. * Cesarean delivery * Postpartum hemorrhage Many cases of polyhydramnios are easily treated and do not result in complications if the pregnancy is monitored closely. Monitoring would include frequent sonograms measuring growth, biophysical profile and fetal assessment. Other treatments could include: * Medication that can reduce fluid production and are as much as 90% effective. This treatment is not used after 32 weeks gestation because of possible complications. * Amnioreduction is a procedure that can be used to drain excess fluids. This is done through amniocentesis, which may carry certain risks. There is, however, the chance that fluid could build back up even after draining. * Delivery of the baby Last Updated: 01/2007The amniotic fluid is part of the baby's life support system. It protects your baby and aids in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs and the digestive system. Amniotic fluid is produced soon after the amniotic sac forms, about 12 days after conception. It is first made up of water that is provided by the mother. After about 20 weeks into the pregnancy, it is primarily made up of fetal urine. As the baby grows, he or she will move and tumble in the womb with the help of the amniotic fluid. In the second trimester the baby will begin to breathe and swallow the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid levels increase regularly until about 32-33 weeks gestation, and then they level off. In some cases the amniotic fluid may measure too low or too high. Normal fluid levels may vary, but are usually considered an AFI of 5-25 centimeters or a fluid level of about 800-1000 mL. If the measurement of amniotic fluid is too low it is called oligohydramnios. If the measurement of amniotic fluid is too high it is called polyhydramnios.