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Alcohol fermentation produces ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide as byproducts when yeast or bacteria break down sugars in the absence of oxygen. This process is commonly used in the production of Alcoholic Beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits.

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Q: What does alcohol fermintation produce?
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Related questions

Is glucose involved in fermintation?

Yes, it is required for the lactic acid cycle of respiration where alcohol is produced. This process yields alcohol as a byproduct and that is what we call fermentation.

What microbe is in beer?

The microbe in beer is yeast. It eats the sugars in the malt during the fermintation period. The yeast then gives off the alcohol as a waste product.

What conditions leads to fermintation?

lack of oxygen

Will baking powder and water produce alcohol?

No. Sugar and a fermenting agent eg yeast is needed to produce alcohol.

Alcohol fermentation in yeast produce a alcohol called what?

Drinking alcohol, also known as ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

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How much energy does alcohol produce?

1 kg alcohol is 29.7 MJ (megajoules).

Who invented fermintation?

Fermentation is a naturally occurring process, being the conversion of sugars to alcohol through the help of our little animal friends yeast, who eat the sugars and one byproduct is alcohol. We don't know who discovered that the process occurs, but we know that fermented beverages (especially beer and wine) have been around for thousands of years.

Does beer contain ethanol alcohol?

Beer does contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Beer is made from water, barley, hops, and yeast. The water and barley are mashed to produce sugars that the yeast metabolizes to produce ethanol. Beer yeast can produce alcohol levels from 2.5-18% alcohol by volume.

Does yeast produce alcohol?

Yes. Yeast produces alcohol. It is ethanol is called 'Anaerobic' respiration.

Lactic acid fermintation?

Definiton= the anaerobic production of lactic acid from glucose.

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Alcoholic fermintationAlcoholic fermintation