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life means death

when something dies something lives or is born.

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Q: What does alternative way of life mean?
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What effects of alternative lifestyles on individuals are there?

There are none. There is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and on one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life. So either EVERYONE on the planet has an alternative lifestyle, or no one does.

How widespread is alternative lifestyle?

There is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and on one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life.

What is an alternative Christian?

Alternative Christian is usually a term used, which is linked to the "alternative" music lifestyle. there may be other uses of this term that I am not aware of. The life style and outlook of Alternative, in the secular sense, is a way of leaving the heard by way of genuineness. As bob Dylan speaks of often, we were our masks and Alternative life would be more vulnerable, by putting more of the truth of themselves out for scrutiny. - Kingez

What is the disadvantage of alternative lifestyles?

There is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and on one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life. So either EVERYONE on the planet has an alternative lifestyle, or no one does.

What causes alternative lifestyles?

There is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and on one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life. So either EVERYONE on the planet has an alternative lifestyle, or no one does.

What are some consequences of alternative lifestyles?

There are none. There is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and no one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life. So either EVERYONE on the planet has an alternative lifestyle, or no one does.

What is an alternative lifestyle?

An alternative lifestyle refers to a way of living that differs from the mainstream cultural norms or societal expectations. It can include unconventional choices related to work, relationships, housing, fashion, diet, or spirituality. People may pursue alternative lifestyles to prioritize values such as sustainability, self-expression, community, or personal freedom.

Does SpongeBob SquarePants have an alternative lifestyle?

No. First of all, SpongeBob is just a cartoon. Second, there is no such thing as an "alternative lifestyle." Everyone is free to live their lives the way they see fit, and on one's life is exactly the same as anyone else's life. So either EVERYONE on the planet has an alternative lifestyle, or no one does.

What does life's a beach mean?

i have no idea do you i think its a way of life that you look at as being a good way to express life

What does the statement diversity of life mean?

the way of life and how it never changes

Is there an alternative to jailbreaking your iPod Touch?

Yes; not jailbreaking it. If you mean a way to do the same thing as jailbreaking without actually doing so, there is no current way to do so.

What does alternattive mean?

for example: an Alternative Route is a different route going to the same place ~ just another way. OK?