

What does an amoeba use to move?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What does an amoeba use to move?
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Amoeba use to move and ingest prey?

a pseudopods

How is amoeba able to move?

Amoeba can move by pseudopodium

How does a amoeba use a food vacuole?

Enzymes move into the vacuole to digest food, and the digested food passes into the amoeba

Which if the three move the slowest a paramecium amoeba or euglena?

Amoeba move the fastest

Amoeba move by using?

Amoebas move through the use of pseudopods. These are false feet that the amoebas change shape to create, use to move, and then reabsorb.

How fast can amoeba move?

An amoeba can move 2.6 billion light years. Hopes that this helps!!!!! =D

What body part allows amoeba to move?

The psuedopod is used to help the amoeba move, and also to eat. It is a part of the amoeba's body that it can stretch out and pull itself with.

Do amoeba move fast or slow?

An amoeba can move 2.6 billion light years. Hopes that this helps!!!!! =D

Does amoeba have flagella or cilia?

no, amoeba use pseudopods to move in any direction

What are protozoans that use pseudopod to help them move called?

Amoeba. This type of motion is known as "amoeboid motion".

Why would an Amoeba die if placed in salt water?

Freshwater amoeba in salt water will have a higher solute content outside of the amoeba. The water in the amoeba will want to move out of the amoeba and into the environment. This will cause the amoeba to shrivel and die.

How does amoebas trap food particles and to move?

Amoebas use cytoplasmic streaming to trap food particles and move. Cytoplasmic streaming is caused by microfilament movement in the cytoskeleton of an amoeba. The cytoplasmic streaming allows the amoeba to surround its food particles. The arm like projects that seem to come out of the amoeba are called pseduopodia. When the cytoplasm completely surrounds the food particles it forms a vacuole around them. The pseduopodia also allow the amoeba to move.