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Amoeba. This type of motion is known as "amoeboid motion".

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Q: What are protozoans that use pseudopod to help them move called?
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How do protozoans move'?

Protozoans move with the help Pseudopodia, cilia and flagella. Pseudopodia - Amoeba Cilia - Paramaecium Flagella - Euglena

What are the three ways that animal-like protists move?

three ways protozoans move are cilia, pushing out part of their bodys called pseudopod, and flagella.

What are protozoans that cannot move called?

Protozoans that cannot move are called sessile protozoans. These organisms are typically attached to a substrate and rely on external factors, such as water currents, to bring food to them.

How are animal-like protists categorized?

Protists that have animal-like characteristics are categorized as protozoans. The protozoan group is further subdivided by the way in which the protozoans move. The categories include sacordinians which move using pseudopod, zooflagellates which move using flagella, ciliaphorans which move using cilia, and sporozoans which form spores.

What is the whiplike tail on a pseudopod?

The whiplike tail on a pseudopod is called a flagellum. It helps the pseudopod move through water by waving back and forth.

Protozoans that move by extending lobes of cytoplasm are called?


How amoebae move?

An amoeba is a shapeless cell which can extrude a part of itself, which is called a pseudopod (literally, false foot) and then the remainder of the cell can flow into that pseudopod, at which point the amoeba has moved.

What are the three structures protozoans use to move?

Protozoans move using cilia, flagella, or pseudopods. Cilia are short, hair-like structures that beat in a coordinated manner to propel the organism. Flagella are longer whip-like structures that provide propulsion through a whipping motion. Pseudopods are temporary extensions of the cell membrane that help the protozoan move by flowing in the direction of the extension.

Which stuctures allow sarcodines to move?


What is a temporary extenstion of cytoplasm and plasma membrane that helps an amoeba move is called?

A temporary extension of cytoplasm and plasma membrane that helps an amoeba move is called a pseudopod. Pseudopods are dynamic structures that amoebas use for crawling, capturing food, and engulfing prey through phagocytosis.

How do protista move?

how does it move well it moves flagella, cilium, and pseudopod

Do protista move?

how does it move well it moves flagella, cilium, and pseudopod