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YES. The ameoba is a perfect example of a unicellular organism which goes after its food. The cell membrane and cytoplams extends toward the food or away from a bad stimulus (heat, dryness, too much light). If it is food or liquid, the pseudopod moves toward the source and engulfs it. The word "pseudopod" is Greek meaning "false foot".

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no they move with there hands and feet

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Q: Does paramecium have a pseudopod
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What is parameciun?

If you mean "paramecium", it is a one celled creature. paramecium- move with cilia amoeba- move by creeping along with their pseudopod's (foot-like appendage) also, paramecium are larger.

What are protozoans that use pseudopod to help them move called?

Amoeba. This type of motion is known as "amoeboid motion".

Why can a single celled organism like a paramecium survive outside the body while a human cell would die?

A paramecium is more comparable to a whole human body than a single human cell. It contains the entire digestive stsyem (which for a paramecium, is simply taking in food, taking out nutrients and expelling waste). For a human cell, it is completely reliant on the respitory, digestive, and circulatory system. In order, one is used to obtain and get rid of gases, one is used to break down food, and the last is used to deliver both to the cells. Many singly cell or simple multi-cellular cells can, if needed, absorb gases through osmosis as they are so small, there waste is easily removed, food does not need to be transported and digestion is simple. Therefore, the paramecium does not have to deal with all the complexities the human cells must to survive.

What are some examples of unicellular organs?

Staphylococcus Aureus, Amoeba, Paramecium, Vorticella

What two things does an amoeba use pseudopodia for?

Psuedopodia translates in Greek as literally "fake foot". It is a temporary structure extending from the amoeba and is the means by which it moves. Other animal cells, such as white blood cells, also move using this mechanism.The pseudopod also extends toward and engulfs food and liquid to sustain the amoeba.