

What does an mbrp cat delete pipe do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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An MBRP converter delete pipe is used for racing purposes. It is intended to be used for off road use only

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Q: What does an mbrp cat delete pipe do?
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no, it will not..a xcr 700 is a triple.....the xcr 440 is a twin

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DPF Delete Pipe and No Cat is all it takes for a 7.3L to smoke. That's all it takes to make any diesel smoke up until the 2010 model year. Or run a straight pipe right out. I took all the emission systems out of my 7.3L stock muffler and it smoked.

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In order to delete your data, click on main menu, and click on the cat profile you want to delete and in the bottom right corner it says delete and click on it.

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