

What does anorexia do to your bones?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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It can give you osteoporisis. This causes the bones to go brittle and break easily.

AN, in women, causes amenorrhea (loss of periods) which means your body is not producing the necessary hormones for health. This directly affects bone density and can lead to osteopenia and eventually, osteoporosis. The many nutrient deficiencies caused by an inadequate diet can also lead to complications in bone health

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How is Bulimia different from Anorexia?

Anorexia is different from bulimia because anorexia is were you eat no food and you get really skiny were you see your bones and bulimia is were if you eat food you puke it back up and you see your bones as well and there is no cure to anorexia and bulimia.

What are the long term effects for anorexia?

Anorexia in the long-term, if not treated properly, can be fatal. The health concerns of anorexia - even if an individual is treated and recovered - can include life-long problems associated with anemia, osteoporosis/brittle bones, and heart problems.

What is sports anorexia?

Sports anorexia is a type of anorexia (not an official diagnosis, however). With it, individuals with present typical signs of anorexia including a severely restricted diet and weight loss, but there is also signs of extreme exercise or sports. This contributes to weight loss, but can change the appearance of what some might think of as a "typical" anorexic (very thin, bones, emaciated....though this is incorrect because anorexia can exist at a variety of weights).

What is the meaning bagabones?

I have never seen it spelled like that, but it is clearly "bag of bones", which describes a person who is so thin and emaciated that he or she looks like bones in a bag of skin. Google Image "anorexia" for some examples.

What body parts are effected by anorexia?

Anorexia can and does affect the whole body. There is weight loss, which is visible. The hair can become thin and fall out. Nails become brittle and discolored while skin becomes dry. Malnutrition leads to weakened bones/osteoporosis and anemia of the blood from low iron. Anorexia also weakens internal organs like the heart and kidneys.

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia is Anorexia Nervosa.

What is are affected if people are too thin?

if you are too thin it usually leads to anorexia and ribs and bones showing through which doesn't look very nice at all.

Does naomi campell have anorexia?

No she does not have anorexia.

What important considerations have to be taken into anorexia?

There are many important things to consider about anorexia. It all depends on what you are trying to focus on. Some crucial or important things to consider in all aspects are.... * Anorexia is both a physical and mental disorder. * Anorexia is very sensitive to the person. * Strict or harsh / assertive actions will almost always backfire. * Anorexics will go to almost any length to lose weight / avoid calories and food. * Anorexia can cause serious health problems. * 10% of all anorexia cases are fatal (as a direct result of the disorder). * Anorexia is often kept secret or hidden for a long time. * Just because someone is anorexic does not always mean they are severly underweight or skin-and-bones.

How do you spell anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is the correct spelling.

What is the difference between the names anorexia nervosa and anorexia?

It is just a shorter version of the full name. Anorexia is short for Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, Anorexia Nervosa is commonly referred to as Anorexia. (As is Bulimia. Bulimia is short for Bulimia Nervosa.)

How can anorexia cause stravation?

Anorexia is starvation..