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Q: What does approval or admiration mean?
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An expression of admiration or approval?

happy ang expression niya...

What does guay mean?

"Guay" is a slang term commonly used in Spain to mean "cool" or "awesome." It is often used to express approval or admiration.

Is admiration a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'admiration' is a common noun, a general word for a feeling of pleasure, approval, or respect.

What are some synonyms for the word admiration?

The common definition for the word admiration is respect or warm approval. Some synonyms for the word admiration include wonder, adoration and delight.

What does applauder mean?

One who claps hands as a greeting, encouragement, expression of admiration, or approval.

What does galing mean in tagalog?

"Galing" in Tagalog can mean "skill" or "talent," or it can also be used as an expression of approval or admiration, similar to saying "great job" or "well done" in English.

What does Bravo really mean?

Bravo is an expression used to show approval or admiration for someone's actions or performance. It is commonly used to show praise, especially in theatrical or performance settings.

Is the word admiration an abstract noun?

Yes, the word 'admiration' is an abstract nounas a word for favorable approval; a word for a feeling of pleasure and often respect or wonder; a word for an emotion.

Is the word 'admiration' a noun?

Yes, the word 'admiration' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a feeling of delighted approval and liking; the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising.

Is admire a common?

Yes, the noun 'admiration' is a common noun, a general word for a feeling of pleasure, approval, or respect.

What does que buena mean?

"¡Que buena!" is a Spanish expression used to express approval or admiration, similar to saying "That's great!" or "How nice!" in English. It is used to show excitement or satisfaction about something.