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Assalamu'alaikum (السلام عليكم) is an Arabic language greeting used in Muslim cultures. It means "Peace be upon you." It is also transliterated as Assalamo alaikum or Asalamo alaikum. The traditional response is "wa alaikum assalam", meaning "and on you be peace." The other forms of this greeting are "Assalamu'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah (السلام عليكم ورحمة الله)," which means:"May the peace and the Mercy of Allah be upon you," and "Assalamu'Alaykum Wa Rahma ...

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Q: What does assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah he wa barakatuhu?
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How do you write assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah he wa baraktuhu in arabi?

assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah he wa baraktuhu in arabi?

What do you say after assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu?

Wa'alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhTranslation: And peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

Meaning of walekom asalam wa rahmatula wa barakatu?

"Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh" is an Arabic greeting that translates to "And upon you be peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah." It is a common Islamic greeting used to wish peace and blessings upon someone who has greeted you with "As-salamu alaykum."

When was MM Rahmatullah born?

MM Rahmatullah was born in 1940.

When did Rahmatullah Kairanawi die?

Rahmatullah Kairanawi died in 1891.

When was Rahmatullah Kairanawi born?

Rahmatullah Kairanawi was born in 1818.

When was Rahmatullah Safi born?

Rahmatullah Safi was born in 1948.

What has the author Mohammad Rahmatullah written?

Mohammad Rahmatullah. has written: 'Paying guest'

When was Yunus Rahmatullah born?

Yunus Rahmatullah was born on 1982-10-27.

What does afwan mean?

Assalamualaikum WA rahmatullhi WA barakatouh " Peace and Mercy be upon you " Afwan means like when someone says thanks to you" shukran" , so then you say you are welcome "afwan" also we can use it as "Excuse Me " , if you have any question about Arabic you can contact with me ""

Does assalamualaikum wish peace?

Yes, "Assalamualaikum" is an Arabic greeting meaning "Peace be upon you." It is commonly used as a greeting among Muslims.

Hazrat Maulana Fazle Rehma Ganjmuradabadi?

Biography Of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-E-Rehma(reh) in English:Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)Was not only a great Islamic scholar but a great Allah wali also. He was a wali by birth. He was born on 1st Ramzan Mubarak 1208 Hijri and died on 21 Rabi ul awwal 1313 Hijri. He use to not drink milk until it was magrib for the whole mont of ramzan mubrak. He was so much invoved in the love of Allah and our holy prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) and in the same way our holy prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam)used to love him .When ever he wanted he had the didar of holy prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) .He had spend his whole life teaching the qalities of Islam, sunnah, Love and humanity. He dedicated his whole life for the welfare of mankind. He had the khilafat from Qadri, Chisti, Nakshbandi and Sherwardi Silsila. Many time Gause e Pak use to come to him in ruhaniyat he use to call him nana Jan.He was the son of Hazrat Makhdoom Shaikh Allahullah Miyan(rahmatullah alaih) and the grandson of Muhammad Barkatullah(rahmatullah alaih).Right from his infancy, the child wasted no time in games and devoted himself completely to prayers. When other children asked him to play, he said to them, "God has not sent me for playing in the world." He spoke Kalima (profession of faith) as early as the age of two and a half yers. Those who heard him pray at that age were truly astonished.Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) was hardly eleven years of age when his father passed away. There was a famine in the land and there was nothing to eat in the house. His mother closed the door and the family lived on boiled leaves. She would not let anybody know her misery. She has many rich relatives but she prayed only to Allah for help.After receiving elementary education in the village, the boy went to Lucknow for higher education, and then to Delhi for the same purpose. He walked all the way and lived on grams worth a paise or two a day.In Delhi, joined the classes of Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz(rahmatullah alaih) and became a disciple of Hazrat Muhammad Afaq(rahmatullah alaih). The Master soon recognised the new disciple and said to him, " One day you will dazzle the world liek a sun."Then he returned to Ganj Moradabad and resided there. It became a centre of spiritual learning in the country. He built many mosques all over the country. He lived in a very small house. Both Hindus and Muslims flocked to see him for light and wisdom.His life was very simple. He dressed very poorly. He lived on bajra bread. He lived in a mud house. He used to smoke the hookah because of constipation. His disciple brought him costly clothes but he wore only rags. He did not use a pillow for sleeping. However, he was fond of Delhi shoes and Delhi caps.Once an Arab asked him for two hundred rupees. He didnot know who the person was. He borrowed the money from a shopkeeper and gave it to him. But the Arab was not satisfied. He wanted another Rs. 50. He also managed that money for hm. Then the ARab demanded a blanket and a pitcher. The Master gave him his own blanket and his own pitcher. Then the Arab wanted Master to write ten letters for him. The Master did that also for an unknown guest. Then the Arab demanded fare for a pony. The Master directed the Arab to take the money from a certain shopkeeper. Such was the Master's limitless generosity and tolerance.The Master had a miraculous touch and he cured everybody by simply praying for him. He cured some of the most dangerous diseases by simply giving water to the sufferers.He has shown may miracles in his life a few i am mentioning below.Miracles of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih):1) Kaba Sharif Came For the Didar of sarkar Fazle Rehma(rahmatullah alaih):Once Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-RehmaGunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) decided to visit the kaba sharif as he use to live with his mom in gujmuradabad sharif his mom told him that son i am to old and as i am not feeling well also you can go latter. who will take care of me when you are not here and because of this Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) droped his paln to visit the kaba sharif.At the same night when he was lying on the bed in his hujra what he saw was unexpectable the kaba was there standing in front of him and the kaba sharif told Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)that due to urs immense love for Allah and his holy Prophet(sal-lal-laho-tala-alhi-wasalam) Allah has send me to u so that u can see me here.2) Seeing Kaba Sharif In Front While Namaz:Waris Piya a great sufi saint from barabanki use to always visit Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) and use to call him chacha Jan. He use to say that Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) never made mureed without asking our holy prophet(sal-lal-laho-tala-alihi-wasalm) and whom ever he wanted he would present him in the assembly of our holy prophet(sal-lal-laho-tala-alihi-wasalm).Waris Piya(rahmatullah alaih) use to not offer namaz due to which his mureed use to not have proper faith on their pir once when waris piya visited Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih).He told waris piya will he offer namaz today with him waris piya immediately yes off course. As soon as all the peope stared praying they saw that they are standing in front of kaba sharif and performing the namaz.As the namaz ended all the murid of waris piya were surprised to se kaba sharif.And then Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) told the murid of waris piya that your pir is not an ordinary pir he offer his namaz daily in kaba sharif on hearing this the murid felt ashamed for their attitude towards their pir and felt sorry.Waris piya smiled on this and said to Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) that for so many years he had hided his raz from so many people but you have opened it today.After this Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) asked waris piya did he enjoyed offering namaz today on this waris piya told."arey chacha Jan aise namziya agar koi padhaye to hum roz padab".Which Means "If any one like you make me offer this type of namaz then definitely i will daily offer the namaz".3) Ala Hazrat(rahmatullah alaih) Came to se Sarkare Fazle Rehma Gunj muradabadi (rahmatullah alaih):Once a great scholar known as Ahmed raza (Ala Hazrat) (rahmatullah alaih) came to meet Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih). When He reached at the khutiya (Hut) of Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) he asked the khadim of Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) that he wanted to meet Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih). On which the khadim went to Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) and told him that ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) wants to meet. On hearing this Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) said what he want from a fakir there are so many scholars in his khandan(Family). I don't have any thing to give him, after hearing this the khadim told Ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) what Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) has told but Ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) requested once again to meet him on hearing this Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) called him, Ala Hazrat (rahmatullah alaih) asked Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) what does he think of Miilad Sharif instead of repling to the quetion Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) asked him what do you think of "Milaad Sharif "on which Ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) replied for me it is mujtahab on hearing the answer Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) said for me it is sunnat, and said that the Sahaba-e-Karam(Radi Allahu anhu) who use to take part in jihad use to praise our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) among their people and use to tell all people that how Allah has blessed his Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) and many other things this is what we do in Milad Sharif the only difference is that the Sahaba-e-Karam(Radi Allahu anhu) use to distribute their head while u people distribute Laddu(sweet) and after this Ala Hazrat(rahmatullah alaih) asked him for any guindance tips on which Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) replied don't do takfir in a hurry, Ala Hazrat(rahmatullah alaih) on hearing this started thinking that i called only those people kafir who disobeys our Holy Prophet(sal-lal-laho-tala-alihi-wasalm) Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) came to know what Ahmed Raza(rahmatullah alaih) by KASHF and replied yes yes undoubetly if any one disobeys the Holy Prophet(sal-lal-laho-tala-alihi-wasalm) even in a slightest manner is undoubtely Kafir.Then Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)removed his cap(Topi) and placed his cap on the head of ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih), and said that like the cap is shining on your head ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) one day you will shine in the whole universe and as you people can see how the fame of ahmed raza (rahmatullah alaih) is today all over the world because of the dua of Sarkare Fazle Rehma Gunjmuradabadi (rahmatullah alaih). The Topi Mubarak(Cap) is still present at the dargah sharif of Ala Hazrat(rahmatullah alaih) which is in bareily Sharif and is nicely kept with the Taburukat of Ala Hazrat(rahmatullah alaih).4) Waris kaa ko'ii waaris nahiiNWaris Pia(rahmatullah alaih) in his life visited Sarkar Shah Fazle Rehamn Gunjmurdabadi (rahmatullah alaih) many times.He used to always say "Waris Ka koi Waris nahi".Once when he visited Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) he was having two sons1) Shah Ahmed Miya Sahab (rahmatullah alaih) from whom the silsila rehmani has spread and the second one was 2) Saidu Baba (rahmatullah alaih) who was a mazoob by birth.( Mazoob are those who are directly connected to Allah.) Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) use to always tell every one not to disturb Saidu Baba(rahmatullah alaih) in anyways if any thing went wrong i am not responsible.So when Waris Pia (ra) visited Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)at that time the age of Saidu Baba(rahmatullah alaih) was very young he use to always sit outside the gate at the entrance of the masjid leading to the khanka of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) So when Waris Pia(rahmatullah alaih) came to Gunjmuradabad sharif as he was entering the masjid he saw Saidu Baba (rahmatullah alaih)sitting at the enterance so for respect he offeres salam to him on which saidu baba asked Waris Pia (rahmatullah alaih)who are you on which Waris Pia(rahmatullah alaih) I am Waris on hearing this Sadu Baba (rahmatullah alaih) replied Allah Waris. After hearing this Waris Pia(rahmatullah alaih) entered the masjid to meet Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih). When they both meet Waris pia asked Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) "arey chachajan who ladka kaun hai Jo bahar baitha hai" means who is the boy who is sitting outdise on which Hazrat Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) replied "arey us ne tujhse kuch keh to nahi diya" means had he not said u any thing on which waris pia (rahmatullah alaih) narrated the whole story that happened outside. Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) after hearing the whole thing told "Waris pia(rahmatullah alaih) ki tum bahut nasib wale ho ki us bache ne tum se kaha ki Allah Waris agar wo kehdeta ki Tu kya waris Allah Waris to tum ne Jo bhi aj tak paya tha sab khatam hojata" means Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) told Warid Piya(rahmatullah alaih) u are very lucky that the boy said Allah Waris if he would have said u are not the waris but Allah is then u would have lost all the thing which u have got till know. and from that day waris pia stoped saying Waris ka koi Waris nahi .Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) has never been to Deva sharif instead Waris Pia(rahmatullah alaih) use to come to him and use to call him chachajan.5) The Masjid where Our Holy Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) Offered Namaz :Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) was sitting in the masjid where his Mazar Sharif(tomb) is our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) use to visit Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) in ruhaniyat(spirituialy) many times due to the immense love of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) for our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam).Once when Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) came there our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) told Hazrat Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) to offer namaz with him today and on hearing this Hazrat Sayed Shah Fazle Rehma(rah) was so happy and thrilled with joy that he thanked Allah for this day on which he is offering the namaz behind our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) they both offered two rakat of namaz together and after that our Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) use to offer namaz many times with Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) (SubhanAllah) and he use to never sit on the musalla and not any one else sit on which our holy prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) had offered namaz and today his mazar sharif is at the same place where the holy Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) use to offer namaz.6) Meeting With Maa Khatoone Jannat(Radi Allahu anha):Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) have also mentioned that many times the whole family of Panjatan Pak(Radi Allahu Anhum) use to come here. Once Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) was sitting all of a sudden he told his murred to make preperation to go to Lucknow, when the mureed enquired what was the reason for the hurry Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) replied that Hazrat Makhdoom Shah Mina Sahab(rahmatullah alaih) has just know told him that Hazrat Biwi Fatima-e-Zohra(Radi Allahu anha) is coming to meet him today and due to which he is in hurry to reach ther when he reached the place where the metting was he saw a house from which(noor) divine light was coming and outside which Hazrat Maula Ali Sher-e-khuda(Radi Allahu anha)was standing on seeing him Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)bowed his head down and standed there respectfully Hazrat Maula Ali Sher-e-khuda(Radi Allahu anha) told Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) to go inside the room, he respectfully went inside the room and saw that Maa Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima-e-Zohra(Radi Allahu anha) was sitting there she asked Sayed Shah Fazle Rehma(rahmatullah alaih) to come close to him on hearing this Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) went closer and offered salam to her after this Hazrat Fatima(Radi Allahu anha) kissed his fore head and told him that you are like my son Fazle Rehma (SubhanAllah)Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) also told that Hazrat Maa Ayesha(Radi Allahu anha) also use to come to meet him many times spiritualy and when ever he use to fall ill she use to come in his dream and keep her hand on his head as soon she keeps her hand on his head all the illness vanishes away.Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih)told that who ever will enter the masjid-e-fazle rehmani will be forgiven and will die on iman reciting the kalima not because of him as he is an ordinary man but as our Holy Prophet and his family has visited this masjid many times(SubhanAllah) what a Aullia Allah fakir he was.7) The Masjids in London:Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) was giving darse Quran Sharif to his student and read this following verses of Quran Sharif from the Ayat Nasari "zalika bi ana min hum Fiss si sina..... on this verses Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) said to his students that Allah has bleesed Nisari with respect, Ahmed Makki on of his student said u are write and now days there are so many masjid made in Londaon on hearing this Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) smiled and said do u have any idea how there are so many masjids today in London??Ahmed Maki replied sir i don't have any idea Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) then replied that once Queen Victoria had sent on of his cousins to him and requested to pray for her as she wanted many children, HazratHazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) prayed for her and gave the cousin some batashe(sweet) and told him to give to Queen Victoria and told him that tell your Queen not to harm any one Practising Islam and make masjid in London she did the same and was blessed by 9 children.8) The Making Of Aligarh University:Sir Sayad Ahmed Khan who is the founder of famous Ali garh University was the mureed of Hazrat Ghulam Ali Dhelvi(rahmatullah alaih), Hazrat Ghulam Ali Dhelvi(rahmatullah alaih), was having great respect for Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) Hazrat Ghulam Ali Sahab(rahmatullah alaih) told Hazrat Sir Sayad to take guidance under Hazrat Fazl-e-Rehman Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) 3 times by coming in his dreams Sir Sayad use take this dream very lightly but he had the same dream for 3 consecutive time he make up his mind to visit Hazrat Fazl-e-Rehman Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih), one day he sent one of his relative to meet Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih). Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) told his relative that Hazrat Ghulam Ali Dhelvi (rahmatullah alaih) has already asked me to pray for Sir Sayad and told the relative ki tell Sir Sayad don't worry start the work of University i am praying for you and there is no need of him to come here tell him ki be there and to the work with full heart.There are many more great thing which happen due to this great Auliyas Dua like the Making of Famous Aligarh University, Ala Hazrat (reh) is famous all over the world due to his dua, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was born due to his dua, Sir Luitenant John was blessed by a child by his dua, Haji Shah Waris Ali Shah(reh) use to visit this great Auliya Most of the time and use to call him Chacha Jaan. These are the few miracles of Fazle Rehma Gunjmuradabadi (rahmatullah alaih).The above notes are quted from the book Rehmat Wa Neemat and Afzaal-E-Rehmani.These books are written by Shah Bhole Miya sahab(rahmatullah alaih) urf Afzalur rehman (rahmatullah alaih) in the guidance of his father Rehmatuallah miya sahab(rahmatullah alaih)who was Abdal and son of Ahmed Miya Sahab(rahmatullah alaih) who was the son of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih). He has spent his whole life at the dargah sharif of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) preaching people the message of Allah and his beloved Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam). He has Made many mureed all over the world spreading the silsilae Rehmania. He was very strick in nature and can not withstand any gustaki for Allah and his Holy Prophet(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam) and for any Auliya-e-karam. He has shown many miracles in his life I am going to verry soon right about the whole history of Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) with all the details from the place of birth to his wisal. (InshaAllah).There are many book written by my pir-o-murshid who was the gaddi nashine of the dargah sharif a great sufi and a great saint whose love for Hazrat Maulna Fazl-e-Rehma Gunjmuradabadi(rahmatullah alaih) was immense and so great that can not be describe in words. His name Is Shah Bhole Miya sahab(rahmatullah alaih)urf Afzalur rehman(rahmatullah alaih) he comes in the 3rd generation of SHAH FAZLE REHMAN SAHAB(rahmatullah alaih).If any one wants to visit the mazar-e- akdas the he has to get down at kanpur station and from the bus stand catch the bus directly to Gunjmuradabad Sharif. It is hardly 90 kms from kanpur and 40 kilometers away from Makhanpur Sharif where the Mazar-e-akdas of Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar(radi alahu tala anhu) is situated.Visit this link below to read the complete biography of this kamil buzurg there is complete shijra sharif, Islamic love poetry,guestbook also addeed to the site plz do leave ur comments in the guest book.