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I think you might mean if Jem stood in Arthur "Boo" Radley's shoes. Atticus wanted Jem to understand that Boo, with his "shy ways" (this was before mental illness jargon was widely in use), would be too frightened and overwhelmed by the town's inevitable show of adulation and appreciation for his having saved Jem and for killing Bob Ewell. He wanted Jem to understand that Boo, silent, fearful, introverted, fragile, had no desire to live in the world or to socialize with others. He wanted Jem to understand that trying to force a person like that into the limelight would inadvertently be a form of torture. Boo Radley wanted to go back to his solitary life and not be burdened by the usual human connections most of us expect to enjoy.

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Orval Cronin

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1mo ago

Atticus expects Jem to learn empathy by standing in Bob Ewell's shoes. He wants Jem to understand how circumstances and upbringing can affect a person's behavior, even if it does not excuse Bob's actions. This is to teach Jem a lesson in compassion and understanding towards others.

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Q: What does atticus expect jem to learn if he stands in bob ewells shoes a minute?
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What does Atticus expect form Jem to learn if he stands in bob ewells shoes a minute?

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