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Q: What does axial portion of the body mean?
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What does axial mean?

The word "axial" means "of or pertaining to an axis" or "belonging to the axis of the body", such as the axial skeleton.

What are the axial portions of the human body?

The head and trunk including the cranium, bones of the face (e.g. maxillae and mandible), vertebral column, sternum, and rib cage.

What does the word axial mean in the human body?

axial means toward the midline. it usually refers to the axial skeleton, or the spine, ribs, and pelvic girdle

What portion of skeleton along midline?

axial skeleton

What body cavities are found in the axial portion of the body?

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Main portion of body excluding apppendages?

The main area is the axial region which includes all but the legs and arms.

The axial forms the long axis of the body and includes the bones of?

axial skeleton

How are the extremities attached to the axial portion of the body?

The upper limbs are attached to the axial skeleton by the pectoral girdle (which consists of the scapula and clavicle)

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Is shoulder part of the axial skeleton?

The term 'axial' usually relates to the skeletal system and refers to the 'central core' bones composed of the; skull, mandible, facial bones, hyoid, vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, ribs, and sternum.

What does axialized?

The word "axial" means "of or pertaining to an axis" or "belonging to the axis of the body", such as the axial skeleton.