

What does bacteria breath?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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if im correct, bacteria breath chlorine

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Q: What does bacteria breath?
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Is bad breath a virus or bacteria?


What are some natural remedies for bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria, so eliminating these bacteria will eliminate bad breath. Using a tongue scraper will physically remove the bacteria from the tongue. A number of herbs and other foods have properties which fight bad breath. These include cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. A bit of citrus such as orange will kill the bacteria with citric acid.

Where does most of bad breath come from?

90% of bad breath comes from bacteria and residue on the tongue

What illness in the body causes bad breath?

Not illness just bad breath germs and bacteria

Why do humans have bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When people don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in the mouth and between the teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make the breath smell.

Bad Breath May Not Just be in Your Mouth?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in your mouth, esophagus or stomach. If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, bacteria build up between the teeth. This bacteria causes the smell, and brushing and mouthwash will just cover it up. See your dentist for a professional cleaning to remove the bacteria colonies. Bad breath can also come from your stomach. Your doctor can give you more advice for eliminating this type of bad breath.

Does mouth wash freshen your breath or get rid of bacteria?


Is there animals that don't breath?

There is not any mammals that dont breath but there might be fish or bacteria or living organism or something that doesn't

Why does your breath smell after you pick your bum and eat it?

The waste from your anus as bacteria, this bacteria is bad bacteria because, the things you pick from your bum would most probably by either hair or bits of feces, and that smells so if you put enough in your outh so will your breath.

What causes sinus breath?

Sinus breath is caused by the buildup of bacteria in the back of the throat. Excess, infected mucus can carry a strong odor, if it persists.

How not to have bad breath naturally?

Some would say mouthwash, but the real answer is BRUSH YOUR TEETH! You can not not have bad happens to all because of the bacteria in your mouth...