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Bacteria help a cow digest and break down coarse plant material and also provide themselves as a protein source when they die. They secrete an enzyme called cellulase that breaks down the cellulose found in plant cell walls in order to release the nutrients within. The cow herself--nor any other ruminant or herbivorous animal--cannot synthesize nor secreate this enzyme. She has to rely on these bacteria to do that job for her. The bacteria also provide a significant source of Vitamin B12 as they live, eat, propagate and die in the cow's rumen.

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Q: What does bacteria help a cow do?
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What type of symbiotic a bacteria living in the testine of a cow to help it break down cellulose?

Yes! (is there more you need for this question?) "Symbiotic anaerobic bacteria" Cellulomonas is one such example.

The relationship between a cow and the cellulose-digesting bacteria in the rumen of its gut would best be described as what kind of communalism?

Well, it's something to the effect of "beneficial" communalism, because the bacteria benefit from the cow by being constantly supplemented with food, and the cow benefits from the bacteria and microflora because they help break down the fibrous material for her.

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No, cow manure is chuck full of bacteria, a source of bacteria, not a preventative measure to keep bacteria out! So no, cow manure in the lagoons of feedlots do NOT keep bacteria out of the water supply. It's the exact opposite, inviting bacteria to enter the water supply, not prevent it.

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No, a man is not a ruminant. A ruminant is an animal like a cow which digests plant material in a series of stomach compartments, with the help of bacteria.

Does yogurt have cow bone in it?

No. Yogurt comes from the milk from a cow, not from the bones of a cow. Bacteria and flavour is added to it to make it yogurt.

Is cow manure a decomposer?

Cow manure is a fertilizer. The bacteria in the cow manure are the decomposers.

Is mad cow a bacteria?

No. It is a prion, or a misfolded protein.

How do bacteria and archaea help cows?

Cows, like other ruminant animals, they have a special type of stomach called a rumen. This consists billions of microbes which can eat grass and hay. These bacteria, fungi and protists provide nutrients that the cow can digest. Without these microbes, the cow would die for not digesting its food.

What is the relationship between Enteric Bacteria and cows?

Mutualism because both the cow and the bacteria are benefitting. The bacteria is benefitting because it gets energy from digesting the cows' cellulose. The cow is benefitting because it is getting its cellulose digested for it.

Does a cow need help of bacteria to digest food?

Absolutely! Billions of bacteria live, reproduce, eat and die in the rumen of a cow, and the many species of bacteria found in the rumen which, along with protozoa and fungi, make up a literal ecosystem within the gut of a cow. These bacteria break down the cellulose, starch and fibre which is present in the diet of a cow, and turn them into volatile fatty acids, microbial protein and release other essential nutrients that both the microbes and the cow need for their health and productivity. Protozoa are actually predators to bacteria, and fungi act like plants in a landscape, where bacteria can hide and live in their attempt to eat and not be eaten, just like in any natural ecosystem. The fact of the matter is, a cow cannot consume what she does without the kind of microflora she has in her rumen. She would be an entirely different animal, and certainly not the beloved, large, lumbering herbivore we all love and adore three times a day.