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"They both look for the truth and to find out what is right by elimination and serving justice "

I doubt that that answer was given by any scientist.

The above quoted statement is a nice hypothetical response and is one that any police association/union, politician or other similar political entity would have people believe.

The truth is that police officers rarely are motivated by truth and/or justice but look mainly to generate revenue and serve the interests of their union bosses and the politicians that they work for, often at the expense of truth and justice. Because if s/he fails in that service then s/he will most likely not experience any long term employment. And keeping a very secure and well paying job will trump any ideas of looking for truth and serving justice with just about anyone who is willing to be a cop to begin with.

So go ahead and amend your police-science textbook with the truth from a veteran officer.she really is not speaking or givivng an answer sorry for her mistake :(

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Police officers need to know Psychology because they are interacting with crazy people everyday.

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What does intitle mean?

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