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Q: What does belle jardiniere mean?
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What does the French word Jardiniere mean in English?

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What is a word that probably means a pot for a plant?

Jardiniere - This French word is the feminine of gardener and can mean a flower box.

What is jardiniere?

Jardiniere is a French word, from the feminine form of "gardener." A jardiniere is a large stand or receptacle upon which, or into which, plants may be placed. Jardinieres tend to be highly decorative. They are often used for large flowering plants or for the cultivation of a small herb garden.

What is a jardiniere?

Jardiniere is a French word, from the feminine form of "gardener." A jardiniere is a large stand or receptacle upon which, or into which, plants may be placed. Jardinieres tend to be highly decorative. They are often used for large flowering plants or for the cultivation of a small herb garden.

What does belle mean in Spain?

Belle in French is Bella in Spanish.

What words start with letters jar?

Jargon, Jarred, Jardiniere

What does belle voie mean?

a beautiful voice - une belle voix

What does Belle Vue mean in English?

Belle Vue means Beautiful View

What does très belle mean in English?

'Très belle' means 'super pretty' in french.