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Q: What does bosy mean?
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What are a lot of negatives that relate to the human bosy?

nose as in no no no no no no are all no's (pronounced nose)

Why are parents so bosy?

parents are bossy because they have to take control of the kids if they are naughty

Do the eggs of the pigeon develop outside the pigeon's body?

I have pigeons and no they don't they develope in their bosy then they lay them

Many essential bosy activities depend on certain compounds that form ions when in a solution. Such compounds are called?


How many blood cells are in the body?

millions of blood cells are in the bosy in your big toe there is approximetely 30 million blood cells

What is Akon's MySpace?

i don't i ain't his girlfriend or somthibg y du u car he ain't gona accept u cuz he is bosy

Why are anatomy and physiology commonly studied together?

because Anatomy is the ograns and tissues of the bosy, while Phsyiology is the functions of those organs and tissues.

Does a six-pack matter to get a girlfriend?

It doesn't. But of course, if you want a girlfriend fast, then girls will definitely look at your bosy, and a six pack might raise the chances.

What year did casimir zeglen invent body armor?

Well, he didn't invent bosy armour, Jan Szczepanik invented body armour, Casimir invented a bulletproff cloth.

Why does a person with fever feels cold when he is actually hot?

The person with fever feels cold because his body inside is not heated because all the bosy heat is outside his body

What is the benefit of infra red ray?

you can use it for; thermal imaging- detecting heat and then converting it into an image, so you can find a warm bosy in the dark Toasters TV remotes release bursts of infra red to "tell" the TV what to do

What are the uses of infared radiation?

thermal imaging- detecting heat and then converting it into an image, so you can find a warm bosy in the dark Toasters TV remotes release bursts of infra red to "tell" the TV what to do