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is broad base central superimposed disc bad

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Q: What does broad based disc bulge mean in MRI?
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What is a broad-based disc bulge at c4-5 effaces anterior thecal sac?

What is a broad based disk buldge at L5-S1 mean?

What does Small broad based disc bulges at L12 L45 mean?

Disc bulges are characterized as focal or broad based. Focal means that less than 90 degrees of the disc is protruding outside of the radius of the vertebrae. Broad based means that 90 to 180 degrees of the disc are protruding outside of the vertebrae. The protruding discs are located in the lumbar region.

Disc bulge at the level of l4-5 with impingement on thecal sac?

A disc bulge at the L4-L5 level means that the disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae is protruding out of place. This can cause compression on the thecal sac, which contains nerve roots and spinal fluid. Symptoms can include pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgery.

What does Minimal bulge at l5-s1 mean?

means that a disc in your lower back is slightly deformed.

What does mild posterior disc bulge at T11-12 without neural structure compromise mean?

It means the disc bulge is not big enough to press on the spinal canal. It could also mean the nerves exiting theforamina are not beingencroachedupon. Posterior means behind.

What does it mean when the report says C7 - T1 minimal annular bulge?

the doctor say i have a minimal annular bulge at c-3-4 what does this mean?

What is the spinal theca An ortho consultant I saw says' I have a disc bulge which is compressing the theca What does this mean?

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What does MRI mean if Minimal diffuse disc bulge present with moderate to severe fact disease?

The Minimal diffuse disc bulge referes to the shock absorbing "disc" that sits between the vertebra. it means that the disc is sticking out past what is normal limit of the vertebra, but not enough to be affecting surrounding structures such as the nerve roots. Moderates to severe "facet" disease refers to likely degenerative changes like arthritis on the bony facets which are part of the vertebra

What does it mean when you have disk height loss with disk desiccation and a broad-based annular disk bulge with a fissure within the annulus?

Disc dessication is loss of water content of disc that occurs as a normal part of the aging process, but also occur with pathologic degeneration of discs. This leads to loss of the discs height and makes it a less effective "cushion" between the bones, since it also more stiff. A bulging annulus means the edge of the disc adjacent to the spine (usually) has "bulged" posteriorly and may dent or impinge upon the spinal sac, the nerve roots, or the spinal cord. An annular fissure is a crack or tear or the disc annulus (the outer coating of the disc, as opposed to the center part (nucleus)

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What does paramedian disc protrusion mean?

A parmedian disc protrusion is a type of hernia or bulge in disk of oneâ??s spine. This can occur on either the right or left side. In this type of hernia the width of the base is wider than the apex.

What does it mean when the MRI comes back with mild disc bulge and compression of C4-c5 disc thecal sak with super impose disc herniation?

I do know that this can cause a great deal of pain in the shoulder and arm, compression means that it is on the spinal cord. I think I would consider surgery.