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Q: What does brown discharge mean at 60 years old?
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Is it normal to only get the brown discharge instead of your period for the last two months for a virgin teenager?

yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.

What is brownish discharge at 63 years?

smelly brown discharge is gonnorhea, you need medical assessement and medication. Brown discharge that is not smelly can be old blood, if you eat a large amount of soy, soy milk, tofu, you can have a light period. The body just gets confused.

Will brown discharge interfere with pregnancy test?

usually brown mean old I wouldn't think that could stop a accurate reading..hope this helps :)

Brown coloured discharge 3 days late period pains that feel like period is coming?

Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.

Is a brown discharge normal after period?

Brown discharge after menses is perfectly normal. As the flow of blood slows down it takes longer for it to expel from the body therefore turning brown becoming "old" blood.

Why brown discharge after period?

Brown Discharge is one of common concerns of girls and women. Not all cases of brown vaginal discharge are cause for concern. Brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with old endometrial tissues. Discover more in recommended related link below.

Seeing spots of blood in underwear after period is normal?

Brown Discharge is one of common concerns of girls and women. Not all cases of brown vaginal discharge are cause for concern. Brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with old endometrial tissues. You can discover causes of blood spots (brown discharge) in recommended related link below.

Is Chris Brown 21 years old?

No, as of 2011, Chris Brown is 22 years old.

What does it mean if you have brown discharge before and after your period?

This is not discharge, this is known as 'old blood'. This occurs just before and after the red stuff appears. It goes brown because it has been sat in the uterus for a while and goes an off colour. It is perfectly normal and is extremely common and part of the menstural cycle and flow.

You stopped your period a week ago and now you have a brown discharge is this normal?

Yes, this is normal. Your vagina is still "cleaning" itself out. The brown discharge is just old blood. Gross, I know, but it's totally normal. If you have brown discharge for more than a couple of days, I would see a doctor about that. Abnormal discharge can be a sign of an infection or STD.

What does it mean for a girl to have brown discharge before her period?

Brown discharge is known as spotting, it's caused when there is light bleeding which mixes with discharge and because the bleeding is so light it takes time to leave the vagina so thus becomes brown in colour. This can be a sign you're starting your period, but it can also happen due to hormonal imbalance while your body readies itself to start ovulating (and in turn start menstruating).

What does it mean when you have brown discharge couple days before your period?

brown discharge a few days before your period is totally normal. this may sound gross, but it's old blood from your last cycle, its your body just getting rid of it to get ready for the new uterine wall and blood coming. hope that helps!