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Q: What does bx mean on a number plate?
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What does bx mean in electrical terminology?

it was manufactured in the Bronx,NY. the initials for Bronx are bx.

What does a number of eggs mean?

If you mean "what do we call a number of eggs?" in a nest they are a clutch; on a plate they are a batch.

What does a 7 mean on a number plate?

7 is a number if you multiply by one the answer is 7

What does the stamp bx on a ring mean?

The BX stamp on a ring is probably just a jeweler's signature marking. It does not indicate value or purity of the ring.

What does p53a mean on paper money?

It's a plate number, telling which printing plate was used to print the bill.

What is the name of An equation of the form ax2 bx c 0?

If you mean: ax2+bx+c = 0 then it's the general form of a quadratic equation

What is the answer to yx-1squared 2 y ax2 bx c?

If you mean: ax2+bx+c = 0 then this is the formula for a quadratic equation whereas a is greater than zero

Program to subtract two 8 bit numbers using 8086 microprocessor?

I have a code for 16 bit subtraction.. just replace ax by al,bx by bl etc... .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,msg ;printing msg mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,x ;ax=x(any number) mov bx,y ;bx=y( " ") cmp ax,0 ;jump to l3 if ax is negtive jb l3 cmp bx,0 ;jump to l6 if bx is negative jb l6 cmp ax,bx ;if ax<bx,then jump to l1 jl l1 sub ax,bx ;else normal sub mov diff,ax ;diff=result is stored jmp l2 l1: ;iff (+)ax<(+)bx neg bx ;bx=-bx clc add ax,bx neg ax ;-ans=ans mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l3: ;iff (-)ax neg ax ;-ax=ax cmp bx,0 ;jump to l4 if bx is negative jb l4 clc add ax,bx ;ax=(+)ax+(+)bx mov ax,diff mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l4: ;if (-)ax & (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx cmp ax,bx ;if ax>bx then jump to l5 jg l5 sub ax,bx ;else ax-bx mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l3 l5: ;if(-)ax>(-)bx xchg ax,bx ;exchange ax and bx sub ax,bx ;ax-bx mov diff,ax ;ans is positive jmp l2 l6: ;iff (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx add ax,bx ;ax-(-)bx mov diff,ax ;ans will be positive mov ah,4ch int 21h main endp

What is the latest number plate?

The currecnt number plate is a 59 plate.

What does bx stand for in bx cable?


Write a program to multiply two sign numbers in microprocessor 8086?

Program: include "" ORG 100h MOV AX, 0004H //Move 1st 16-bit number to AX. MOV BX, FFFEH //Move 2nd 16-bit number to BX. IMUL BX //Multiply BX with AX and the result will be in DX:AX. CALL PRINT_NUM //Print the result. RET //Return. DEFINE_PRINT_NUM //Declare function. END

How to change the rear number plate on a Nissan Primera?

Undo the screws around the number plate, take the number plate off then put the new number plate on.