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Being called a goose would be like being called a little silly.

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Q: What does calling someone a goose mean?
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What is a silly goose?

A silly goose is a word to sort of make fun of someone by calling them funnySILLY GOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1This statement has been proven to be true when a goose demonstrated an action which was seen as silly, thus making him a silly goose.

What would it mean if someone called you a goose?

It means they are a bully

What is an example of name calling?

calling someone a liar or something really mean

What does the idiom to cook your own goose mean?

When someone's goose is cooked, it means that the person is doomed. If I have cooked my own goose, it means my failure or downfall is my own fault.

What would it mean if you called someone a galah?

In Australia, this term is used to describe a person who is silly,erratic, or lacking in sense. It is akin to calling someone an idiot, or a goose. Galahs are an Australian cockatoo that have a characteristically erratic and twisting flight which commonly makes them road hazards.

What does it mean when someone calls you a priss?

They are calling you effeminate and soft.

What does it mean when you call someone a swine?

When someone is callinq you a swine their basically calling you a pig.

What does calling mean?

name calling means verbal abuse, like you call someone a jerk

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Calling someone a viper means the person is a lying snake.

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It is a rude name to call someone; it is basically calling someone a hoe or whore.

What does it mean to call someone a virgin?

calling someone a virgin means he/she hasn't had sex before

What does babaso mean in spanish?

An insult for calling someone stupid or an idiot.