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Calpurnia believes that guests should be treated with respect and hospitality, regardless of their background or status. She values showing kindness and generosity to visitors as a sign of good manners and social etiquette.

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Why did calpurnia scold Scout during lunch?

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How does calpurnia tell scout to behave during lunch?

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What did calpurnia say the other day about tom attitude?

Calpurnia mentioned that Tom Robinson had a respectful and humble attitude when he visited the Finch household. She remarked that he was a kind and polite man.

What was Calpurnia nickname?

Calpurnia's nickname was "Cal".

How do you say dinner guests in Italian?

Ospiti a cena.

How do Scout's and Calpurnia's ideas of company differ?

Scout views company as a time to have fun and play, while Calpurnia sees it as an opportunity to socialize and show respect for guests through good manners and proper behavior. Scout's approach is more carefree and casual, while Calpurnia's is more structured and traditional.

How do you say welcome to all the guests in Arabic?

Ehlan wasehlan

What does scout learn about calpurnia that surprises her?

Scout learns that Calpurnia is proficient in reading and writing, which surprises her because she had assumed that Calpurnia was illiterate. This discovery challenges Scout's preconceived notions about Calpurnia's education and capabilities.

What does calpurnia's note say?

Calpurnia's note to Atticus says that Tom Robinson has been given the death penalty and that there is trouble at the jail. She asks him to come to the jailhouse to help protect Tom from a lynch mob.