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Q: What does carbohydrates give us?
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Who are carbohydrates digested?

Carbohydrates are digested to give us energy to make us able to do daily activities.

What do carbohydrates give us simple answer?


Carbohydrates are broken down to give us?


Do fruit and vegetable give us energy?

as long as it has carbohydrates

What foods give us carbohydrates?

pasta, bread, rice, cereal

How does carbohydrate help us?

Carbohydrates keep our body's going and give us lots of NUTRITION.

Do carbohydrates give us energy?

yes!if you eat alot you will get very jumpy and figgity

Explain how carbohydrates relate to the food pyramid?

Carbohydrates relate to the food pyramid because they give us energy to do work. Carbohydrates are in grains, pasta, bread, wheat and oats listed in the pyramid.

What are the two things that you eat that give you carbohydrates?

Fruit and vegetables give you carbohydrates.

Why do carbohydrates do for your body?

Carbohydrates give you lots of energy to do exercise.

What do starches give us?

starches give us gluclose monosaccharide and depending on the plant starch genrally contains amylose and amylopectin.

What does carbohydrates does in the body?

Carbohydrates are essentially sugars - which give the body energy.