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The cardiovascular system works with a series of muscle contractions caused by electrical stimuli on the surface of the heart muscle. The blood first flows into the heart as deoxygenated blood through the superior and inferior vena cava, from there it flows into the right atrium where the muscle contracts and pushes it into the right ventricle. From the right ventricle, the blood flows through the pulmonary artery; the only artery that carries deoxygenate blood, to the lungs where oxygen can diffuse into the blood. From the lungs the blood enters the pulmonary vein which takes I to the left atrium and with another electrical stimulus, gets pushed to the left ventricle. From there it goes into the corroded arteries to the brain, and the aorta to the rest of the body.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Let's follow the flow of blood starting at the Aorta, the aorta is the main blood vessle that carries O2 rich blood to the vital organs, organs, systems, extremities, muscles, and most importantly the brain. All the above mentioned use the oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as a by product. The CO2 , carried by the blood travels back to the heartand enters the Right Atrium, another beat of the heart, the b;ood now moves through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle. Remember, this is oxygen poor blood so withamother beat the blood mooves through the pulmonary arteries, (left & Right), to the lungs. Inside the lungs the blood drops off CO2 and picks up O2 using a process called osmosis*. The blood at the moment has little pressure so it goes back into the heart through the Pulmonary Veins into the Left Atrium. A beat of the heart sends it into the Left Ventricle. Around this chamber is a large muscle called the Myo Cardium and this muscle gives the pressure needed to push this blood oround the entire body.=*Osmosis, the diffusion of water or another solvent through a selectively permeable membrane. This membrane is like a sieve, allowing solvent molecules, which are small, to pass through it, but preventing larger molecules dissolved in the solvent from passing through.=

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9y ago

It is important to know how the systems in the body work. The circulatory system works by pumping blood to the parts of the body that need it.

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14y ago

The Cardiovascular System is comprised ot the heart and all of its arteries and veins. There is no particular organ called 'the cardiovascular'.

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What consist of circulatory sytem?

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What are the organs of circulatory sytem?

The parts are 1.veins 2.arteries 3.capillaries 4.heart

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The circultory system itself is an organ system. It contains the heart and blood vessels.

What are the components of the circulatory sytem?

The circulatory system is composed of vessels and muscles that control the flow of blood around the body. This process of blood flowing around the body is called circulation. The main components of the circulatory system are the heart, arteries, capillaries and the veins.

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AnswerThe circulatory system. No iTz Respiratory Sytem

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Do older people have more problems with their circulatory sytem?

Yes, that's the horrible thing about getting old, lol. Everything deteriorates and dies. Older people have a 51.67% more of a chance to get blood clots (a problem with the circulatory system).

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Does the heart work with the circulatory system?

Yes, the heart is part of the circulatory system.