

What does codon mutation mean?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: What does codon mutation mean?
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A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a stop codon is called a?

nonsense mutation

Will a point mutation cause the cell to make an incomplete polypeptide if the mutation results in a stop codon?

Yes, a point mutation will cause the cell to make an incompelete polypeptide chain that is non-functional, if the mutation results in a stop codon. This type of a mutation is also called as the Nonsense Mutation.

A point mutation will cause the cell to make an incomplete polypeptide if the mutation results in?


A genetic mutation that causes a codon that should code for a specific amino acid to be changed into a stop codon results in a shortened protein product and is known as?

a nonsense mutation

What is the difference between a nonsense mutation and a missense mutation?

Missense mutation: changes one sense codon to another, resulting in incorporation of amino acid.Nonsense mutation: changes a sense codon into a stop (or nonsense) codon, resulting in premature termination.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

Will point mutation CAUSE a cell to make an incomplete polypeptide if the mutation results in a stop codon?

Yes it will.

Why is a silent mutation called silent?

a mutation that does not affect protein production.

Could a mutation affect phenotype?

Yes, a mutation can occur without affecting the phenotype at all. For example, a point mutation may change a nucleotide in a codon, but sometimes, the codon can still code the same amino acid, so the mRNA strand can still make the same protein.

A mutation that occurs at a specific location within a nucleotide sequence is called a?

Point mutation and it can be effective or silent depend upon at the site of codon

What type of mutation is likely to have the least effect on an organism?

A silent mutation has the least effect on an organism. It is when the codon is changed to the same amino acid.