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The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

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Q: What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation?
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What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequences after mutation?


What happens if only one amino acid is coded incorrectly?

If an amino acid is coded incorrectly, then it would change the entire structure of the DNA and could possibly cause a mutation

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How can a point mutation alter the final structure of a protein?

In a point mutation, one nitrogen base is substituted for the correct base. Since most amino acids can be coded for by more than one codon, there may be no consequence to this mutation. However, sometimes a point mutation results in an incorrect amino acid being added to the amino acid sequence of the protein. This can cause a change in the shape and therefore function of the protein, which can be a harmful mutation. Two genetic disorders caused by a point mutation are cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia.

Is a mutation dangerous?

Can be, but most mutations are neutral. If you had a gene that coded for a hydrophobic amino acid and it was point mutated to another gene that coded for another hydrophobic amino acid then there would be no change in the protein fold and no danger. Statistically this the the majority of mutation cases.

What protein sequence is coded by the code UAG?

The sequence UAG is the mRNA codon that means "stop" and does not code for an amino acid.

What amino acid does rna sequence AAA specify?

No amino acid is coded for. It is a stop codon that instructs to stop the process of translation.

What is protein primary structure?

it's a genetically coded sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain

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A part of an mRNA has the sequence CCG. which change to this sequence would indicate a missense mutation?