

What does cold pizza taste like?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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frozen bread

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Q: What does cold pizza taste like?
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Why does cold pizza taste saltier than warm?

because if u have to cold .. all the warmness in the pizza is gone it taste more salty then warm

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Yes cheesy bread taste like pizza

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we would all eat carrots and ban pizza forever

Why does pizza taste better cold?

because that is your own perspective through your senses and nobody else can understand why cold pizza is better than hot pizza the way you can because nobody is you.

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Cold pizza

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No it does not!

Why do some prefer to have pizza for breakfast?

Often people like to have pizza for breakfast, because it is very convenient to grab a piece of left over pizza from the refrigerator. A lot of times people enjoy having cold pizza in the morning, because they like the taste and it is easier than preparing something else.

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Mountains taste like pizza

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It tastes like sweets, mouthwatering and pizza

What are the five sencses for pizza?

The 5 senses for pizza r sense of touch, taste, what it hears like, feel, and what it smells like.

Why does pizza taste so good?

Because you think it does. Some people hate pizza because they dont like the taste. I love pizza, I am Italian, so we are used to eating tomatoes and cheese and co - cuts.

Why does United States like pizza?

It is because of taste, convenience, and price.