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Q: What does country of emmigration mean?
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What is Brazil's immagration and emmigration?

immigration is people moving from one country/place to another, emmigration is leaving your country of residence.

What s emigration?

Emmigration is when people move out of a country. As opposed to immigration, when people move into a country.

What is the difference between immigration and emmigration?

immigrant is a person who gets in your country as a foreigner and emmigrant is a person of your country who decides to go abroad

What is animal emmigration?

Like human emmigration animals may leave their country of origin and migrate to another usually from human tranportation.

What is immigration and emmigration?

A pack of wolves moves into a forest. Apex

What does emmigration mean?

People who leave their country to come to live in another. Emigrants are people who have left your country to go to another. It's the opposite of the word 'Immigrants' - which means people who have left another country to come to yours.China.

When organisms move out of the population this is known as?


Formula for net migration rate?

immmigration-emmigration=net migration

What is the difference between immigration?

And what? Emmigration? Immigrants are looking to enter a new country, while emmigrants are looking to leave their current country. 'Im' being the prefix to imply incoming, as in importing, while 'Em' is the prefix to imply outgoing, or exporting.

How do you calculate net migration?

(immigration/population * 100)-(emmigration/population *100)

What does the theme of movement include?

Movement covers immigration and emmigration. It covers transportation of goods.

What is the movement of organisms out of one population into another population?
