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That they won't be identical to each other.

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Q: What does crossing over ensure about the gametes that are formed during meiosis?
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Why genetic variation is still possible if self pollination occurs?

This is because during meiosis there is (mostly) genetic variation by means of crossing over, independent assortment and mutations. As two gametes are being fused, the end product will be different from the parent, because the factors mentioned above ensure this. For a bit more info: The end product might not always be different as sometimes (in a very rare case), independent assortment and mutations might not occur to the two gametes which are to be fertilised, and if the two gametes both contained chromosomes on which crossing over did not occur, and if these two gametes were to fertilise, then the product would be genetically the same as the parent plant.

How would human population be different if crossing over didn't happen during meiosis?

There wouldn't be any variety in the human population. Everyone would look more or less the same. This is because crossing over in meiosis allows the chromosomes to exchange genetic information to ensure that each daughter cell is unique and therefore, when reproducing, each person is also unique.

How is forming tetrads in prophase 1 different from mitosis?

Tetrads don't form in mitosis. Tetrads form so that chromosomes can undergo crossing over which is a form of genetic recombination. The products of meiosis are gametes which ensure genetic diversity in subsequent generations. In mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell. No genetic recombination occurs in mitosis.

How would the human population be different if crossing over didn't happen during meiosis?

There wouldn't be any variety in the human population. Everyone would look more or less the same. This is because crossing over in meiosis allows the chromosomes to exchange genetic information to ensure that each daughter cell is unique and therefore, when reproducing, each person is also unique.

What phrases best describes the function of meiosis?

The process of meiosis ensure that the offspring will be genetically identical to be parent

Why will meiosis ensure that offspring have the same chromosome number as parents?

In the process of fertilization, gametes (sperms from male and egg from female) fuse to form a zygote. Meiosis ensures that the number of chromosomes in each gamete is half the normal number in other non-gamete cells so that when the gametes fuse, the total number of chromosomes will once again add up to the usual number of chromosomes and not have twice the number instead.

How meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes by half?

First of all you get a haploid number of chromosomes which is 23 from your mom and 23 from your dad which creates a diploid cell, which is the first body cell of a human, then the cell divides once and there is DNA replication which forms 2 cells then it divides again but DNA is not replicated and you get 4 haploid cells which is half. I KNOW THIS CAUSE I LEARNED IT A FEW WEEKS AGO IN SCIENCE 9!! HOPE I HELPED... =)

What does crossing over ensure?

Crossing over ensures that there is another side.

What procedures ensure that gametes contain one-half as many chromosomes as body cells?

During meiosis II (when the diploid cells split again into four haploid daughter cells), there are centrioles with fibers running to each chromosome. Each chromosom is pulled in half, with a haploid number of chromosomes going to each side of the cell by the centrioles. When the cytoplasm divides, this results in two haploid daughter cells from each of the two diploid cells resulting from meiosis I.

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Why does meiosis require two cellular divisions?

Meiosis is divided into Meiosis I and Meiosis II because the initial cell divides twice producing four genetically different sex cells (gametes) Each time a cell divides, it goes through Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. See the link below for a diagram showing the process.

Why does meiosis exist?

Meiosis exists to ensure genetic variation between offspring. As long as the genes are being passed on, interchanged, and reselected, a species will remain adaptable.