

What does cuántos estudiantes hay mean?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It means "How many students are there?"

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Q: What does cuántos estudiantes hay mean?
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What does Cuántos estudiantes hay?

It means "How many students are there?"

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How do you say theirs 20 students in spanish?

hay veinte estudiantes.

How do you say there are students in the Spanish class in Spanish?

"(Ustedes) son estudiantes" (Vosotros, as) sois estudiantes

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As a declarative sentence it means, "There are five students in your class." As a question it means, "Are there five students in your class?"

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Be good students .

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"Somos estudiantes" translates to "we are students" in English.

How do you answer cuantos estudiantes hay en la clase de espanol?

The question is asking: How many students are there in the spanish class? So lets say there are 15 students in the class, you would reply with: There are 15 students in the spanish class. "Hay quince estudiantes en la clase de español." You can replace quince with any number.

Cuantos estudiantes hay en la clase de espanol?

How many students are in the Spanish class

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"Todos los estudiantes" translates to "all the students" in English.

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Estudiantes is a Spanish word that means students.

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