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A cultural ambassador promotes and shares their own culture internationally through various means such as art, music, dance, or language. They serve as a representative of their country or community, fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange between different societies.

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Q: What does cultural ambassador do?
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What are things that cultural ambassadors do not do?

the cultural ambassador do the activities of their Embassy

Who visited Europe and America as a cultural ambassador?

mahatma ghandhi

What skills does a cultural ambassador have?

Any person who has stronge basic values, who is genuine along with the knowledge in his field can be a very good ambassador

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If the ambassador is married is it ambassador and?

Their husband/wife. If an ambassador is married,his/her wife/husband will not become an ambassador.

Who is a person who represents his or her country in another country?

I believe you are thinking of an ambassador.

How do you address an ambassador on a place card?

You would put The Ambassador of ...then what country he represents. When talking to an Ambassador , he/she are Ambassador

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For his art works!!!!!!!!!! :)William Barak is famous because of the successful roles he held while he was alive. He was the King of the Yarra, leader, artist and a cultural ambassador.

How do you address an ambassador in a letter?

If the Ambassador is currently active in the Diplomatic Service, it would be Mr. Ambassador or Madame [ Mme.] Ambassador.

Can an American be ambassador of Russia?

There is an American ambassador to Russia. The current ambassador is John Beyrle. Evidently no American can be a Russian ambassador to other countries.

How do you use the word ambassador?

My mother is an ambassador

How can you use ambassador in a sentence?

this is the ambassador of America