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Curley's wife was talking to Lenny about her soft hair. They were in the barn where they were siting at the hay. As Lenny accept Curley's wife by touching her. Lenny starts to rub it and rubing it harder as Curley's wife warn Lenny about not messing her hair.She try's to move. In a flash, Lenny grabbed her hair. As Curley's wife screams to stop, Lenny warned her not to scream because if he gets in trouble George will not let Lenny to tent the rabbits. For a attemp for a escaped Lenny snaps her neck and she immently falls to ground. [Dead]. Lenny with fear ran away. Moments ago Candy came and saw the dead body. George saw it too. George and Candy knew that Lenny did it and he has a right to be killed by Curley. George, Candy, and Lenny's dream of a ranch will to rue by Lenny by acciendent.

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Curley's wife tempts Lennie by offering to let him touch her soft hair. She enjoys the power and attention she gets from the men on the ranch, and uses her beauty to manipulate them.

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Q: What does curley wife offer to let Lennie touch in of mice of men?
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They sent Carlson to get the sheriff in "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck after Lennie accidentally killed Curley's wife.

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Curley beat up Lennie in "Of Mice and Men" out of anger and jealousy. Curley was upset over his wife's flirtatious behavior towards the ranch workers, including Lennie. Being a small man, Curley also took out his frustrations on Lennie to assert his dominance and power over him.

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Curley is always looking for a fight and seems especially focused on Lennie in 'Of Mice and Men'. He is the boss's son and has a reputation for picking fights with anyone he sees as weaker or vulnerable. His aggression is amplified when he perceives a threat to his authority or masculinity.

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In Chapter Five of "Of Mice and Men," Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife in the barn when she lets him stroke her hair, leading to tragic consequences.

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read chapter 5 of the book mice and men LAZY

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Lennie was accused of accidentally killing Curley's wife by breaking her neck in the novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

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Curley ultimately gets his hand crushed by Lennie when Lennie fights back in self-defense. This incident leads to a chain of events that culminates in tragedy for both Lennie and Curley's wife in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men."

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Curley, George, Candy, and Lennie are the ones who see Curley's dead wife in "Of Mice and Men."

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Lennie choked Curley's wife

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