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Deworming means to treat an animal with a medication to rid it of parasites (worms). You see people with ads about puppies or kittens saying they have been dewormed. You must do this, as some parasites come from the mothers milk. Too many worms can kill the animal.

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6y ago

worms is a sickness that every one and everything can get so de worming means getting rid of that sickness for almost one year

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8y ago

It means treating an animal to rid it of intestinal parasites.

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Q: What does de worming mean?
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What does worming mean?

worms is a sickness that every one and everything can get so de worming means getting rid of that sickness for almost one year

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How long between times of de-worming your horse?

Generally, it is recommended to de-worm every two months, and to rotate the wormer brands and types.

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What does yellow poop mean in a rooster?

Yellow poop in chickens is caused from a digestive upset. In turn, this upset can be caused by SICKNESS, INFECTION, de-worming medicine, STRESS, improper diet, and recent diet change.

How do you take worms out of a dogs body?

You give the dog a de-worming treatment, bought from a veterinarian, at an appropriate does for the size and age of the dog.

What is de-worming a horse?

deworming is when a paste like medicine is given to a horse to get rid of parasites and their eggs that the horse might have eaten while eating grass deworming is when a paste like medicine is given to a horse to get rid of parasites and their eggs that the horse might have eaten while eating grass

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deforestation mean cutting the trees , cutting the trees means less oxygen and more carbon dioxide , more carbon dioxide means global worming , more global worming means more floods

At what age should a foal be de-wormed for the first time?

It is recommended by most veterinarians to de-worm a foal when they are 6 to 8 weeks of age. The de-worming should be given every 2 months in warm weather.

Is de-worming a bunny expensive?

You really should never have to DE worm rabbit unless it has been out running on the ground and eating grass from the ground. But if you need to worm a rabbit just get cat worm-er and use that!

What is worming up?

that's not a real question

Why do roosters lose weight?

Any number of diseases can cause the rooster to lose weight. Suspect internal parasites first. If the rooster appears outwardly healthy otherwise, de-worming might be in order. Tonics can be purchased from any feed & grain supplier, vitamin and de-worming meds all in a water soluble powder. If any external symptoms are present you need to identify the disease. I will give you a link that may be helpful in doing this.